How to “Trick” Your Brain to Learn Much Faster

How to “Trick” Your Brain to Learn Much Faster

Although the human brain is easily the most complex structure ever discovered, we still have a lot to struggle to be able to use it to its full potential. The truth is that despite its unfathomable complexity and power, our brains can act a bit against us sometimes. For instance, we are all familiar with that feeling when we know that we need to study for an important exam, but our brain just looks for excuses to delay or even cancel.

Our brains are naturally inclined to avoid processes that they don’t like or seem difficult. For instance, learning for a math exam will prove to be very hard if you hate that field. If, on the other hand, you want to compose a song, which is something you generally love, it will be much easier.

So, how could you learn faster for those subjects that are truly important, but, at the same time, feel so boring and frustrating for you? The solution is quite simple: you must find a way to “trick” your brain to like it.

Play the role of the math teacher/NASA scientist

We get it: you don’t like math, but certainly, you would love the feeling of power and importance that being a math teacher or a NASA astronomer would give you. Astronomers and scientists in general can’t possibly do their work without knowing and applying mathematics. Therefore, you need to envision yourself as a math teacher or as one of those smart guys from NASA who will send humans to Mars one day. Imagine that you will stay in front of an audience who begs to hear your speech, and your job will be to tell them your math lesson. You must think, be convinced, and feel it in the fiber of your being that you will know the lesson very well, and that you need to teach it from the position of a scientist, and each and every person from the audience is a big fan of yours.

Using that mindset, start reading your lesson several times in a row, from start to finish, and eventually solve a few exercises. You need to pay close attention to all details, as remember, you’re the cool scientist in charge who needs to teach your fans the lesson, and all of them are craving for it! Once you’re done learning, start presenting the lesson out loud, not in your mind, to the audience that begs to hear it. Surely, they’re not physically there, but for you, they are. Show them all what a smart and great scientist you are. Speaking your lesson out loud can be a lot more helpful then simply repeating it in your mind. Don’t be afraid to crack a few jokes along the way, as anybody appreciates a scientist who also has a sense of humor. You can be as cool, funny, and smart as Neil deGrasse Tyson, or even better. You can do it. Believe it with everything you have. Don’t make any excuses until you try.

Don’t underestimate yourself

Surely, it sounds like a poor old cliche, but it’s very true that you must never underestimate yourself! It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed in the past, or how many people tried to put you down and tell you that you’ll never succeed. Wouldn’t you like it so much to see their reaction after you’ve proven them wrong? Of course you do! An ancient old proverb says that the master has failed many more times than the beginner has ever tried, which is totally true.

Apart from what most people might believe, failure is a good thing. Yes, you’ve read that correctly! Never be afraid of failure, as nobody makes it on the first try, and a lot of people who succeed in life have failed numerous times in the past. Failure should be used to learn how to correct your mistakes. You should always objectively analyze your progress when you fail and realize your mistakes, as well as try to find solutions for solving them.

Focus on your goals and how to get there

Let’s say that your goal is to learn Japanese. Surely, it seems intimidating at first, as even the alphabet is different. It all seems like from another planet, with no disrespect intended for the wonderful nation of Japan. Set a goal for the long run, such as learning 10,000 Japanese words in a few weeks. Each and every day, you should simply ask yourself, “what can I do more to get closer to my goal?” as many times as you can. Simply do it and leave excuses behind! Do it while you eat, while you take a shower, or as you lie in bed to fall asleep. Your subconscious mind will naturally look for solutions without you even realizing it, and they will pop up even when you expect them the least. For instance, your mind might recommend you watch some Japanese movies or anime from time to time, as you have subtitles in Japanese at the same time. Another good idea is to make some Japanese friends on Facebook or visit Japan. All these methods can turn out to be both entertaining and educational for your goal of learning 10,000 Japanese words in a few weeks.

The human brain, especially the subconscious part, is an endless reservoir of resources that can help you reach just about any goal you set for yourself. All you need to do is harness those resources in the right way and never believe that you’re not good enough.

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