We can’t imagine our life without technology nowadays. While it can certainly be just a caprice sometimes to use a powerful laptop or smartphone, technology can actually take human knowledge to new heights. Space exploration is not something new at all, as it started way back in the ’50s when the Soviet Union launched the Sputnik 1 satellite into space. That artificial satellite was launched in an elliptical low Earth orbit, and it paved the way for much more spectacular space exploration projects.
Until now, humanity managed to land on the Moon during NASA’s Apollo missions from the late 1960s and early 1970s, send robotic rovers to Mars and other planets in the search for extraterrestrial life, and see deeper into space than we ever thought possible using powerful telescopes such as Hubble and James Webb. In other words, technology has already helped mankind tremendously, but can it also help us build a new home elsewhere in the Solar System besides Earth? We’ll try to find out in this article.
At this point, traveling to an exoplanet is extremely farfetched, regardless of how much we might like to believe that it could be possible. The distances are way too large for what the world’s current technology can handle.
Should we colonize other planets?
Whether we like to accept it or not, our world’s food resources are limited, which means that sooner or later, there will be no more food for any of us if we don’t do something. That’s why colonizing other planets should actually be a priority, and the world is already trying to figure out how it can be done. As we said, colonizing an exoplanet is out of the question, at least for now, which means that planet Mars remains probably the only suitable possible destination. It’s the only other rocky planet in our solar system that’s neither hot as the woman of your dreams nor cold as your ex-girlfriend’s heart. On Venus or Mercury, for instance, let’s just say that you could make pies without an oven.
Elon Musk keeps talking for about 7 years that he’ll colonize Mars someday. While his beloved SpaceX didn’t even reach the Moon, which is tens of times closer to us than Mars, we still shouldn’t lose faith in Musk’s words. He’s the richest guy on the planet, so who are we to contradict him?!
Is colonization even possible?
At this point, even the idea of colonizing another planet is a bit farfetched. Even though it’s a “must,” nobody knows exactly how it can be done. Colonization includes creating a hospitable environment on another planet, and that would take decades or maybe even centuries, considering the world’s current technology. But even so, the first steps need to be done ASAP.
Let’s take Mars, for instance. This planet lacks oxygen, and even the atmospheric pressure, which is thinner compared to the one on Earth, would pose a problem. The temperatures on the Red Planet are also extreme, as the average levels hover around minus 60 degrees Celsius. In some Martian regions, the temperatures can fluctuate between daytime highs around freezing and night-time lows that are very, very cold.
Water is indispensable to life as we know it. While there is some evidence that liquid water could exist on Mars in small amounts, it’s certainly not enough to sustain life.
Therefore, if we ever truly want to move our baggage and annoying ads to Mars, we need to find a way to build water systems, create more friendly temperatures, and generate enough oxygen to breathe. Simple, right?
We must not lose faith; technology is always evolving
Technology is always evolving, and to realize how incredible the evolutionary rhythm is, let’s remind ourselves how primitive technology was a century ago compared to how we know it today. There was no trace of computers or smartphones; cars were light-years slower and less developed, while cosmic exploration of any kind was just a wild fantasy for some and a blaspheme for others.
Therefore, if we will indeed ever have a chance of colonizing another planet, only technology can help us out, but not in its current state. More years are needed, as well as more research. It should be just a matter of time until the colonization of the first planet becomes a reality, given the wild rhythm that technology progresses. Advancements in space exploration and related technologies are bringing the scenario of planetary colonization closer to reality.
Robots and autonomous systems will also play a crucial role in setting up the infrastructure on another planet if colonization will indeed ever happen. Such structures are needed to overcome the harsh environments that are present on other planets, such as Mars. Considering that the world is already witnessing advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and telepresence technologies, we can be optimistic that we’re getting closer and closer to colonizing another planet.
What’s for sure is that the Solar System is out there waiting for us to explore its wonders, as it has since the inception of human civilization. It’s like nature itself knew that there would be an intelligent and curious creature somewhere out there who would do its best to explore the heavens. The real question is this: will humanity have what it takes to colonize another planet and still take care of its own at the same time? Only time will tell for sure, but until the moment of truth, each and every one of us holds the key to making our world a better place. How could we ever build a better home if we can’t take good care of our own?