The human brain is perhaps the most complex organ in the Universe. It’s certainly the most complex organ ever discovered by humans. Although science has made tremendous progress in recent decades in its attempt to decode how the brain works, it has just been scratching the surface if we look at the big picture. The human mind would probably not ever be able to fully comprehend its own functionality. How ironic, right?
The complexity of the human brain is direct proof that a form of intelligence far superior to any on Earth has created it. That’s one of the strongest arguments in favor of Creationism. The complexity of the human body in general and of the human brain in particular is direct proof of the existence of God.
Therefore, let’s check out a few insights that human science has uncovered regarding the brain, although even the brightest minds out there have a lot more to learn about the most complex organ ever discovered!
How complex is the human brain?
Our brain has capabilities that no supercomputer would ever be able to match. The most complex organ contains about 100 billion nerve cells and even more contact points between them that can provide incredible capabilities.
One of the most amazing capabilities of the human brain is the possibility for it to learn. Furthermore, it is even possible to learn a new language, a specific domain, or a cooking recipe in better and more efficient ways than the individual was already used to. By somehow combining useful activities with some that you find entertaining and fun, the brain is able to learn a lot faster than usual.
How does the brain work?
The human brain is the control center of our actions, emotions, and thoughts. At its core, the human brain is based on a complex network of nerve cells that are also known as neurons. Those neurons use electrochemical signals to communicate with one another, which will enable the brain to process the information and perform its functions.
Neurons use electrical impulses to transmit information. When a signal reaches a neuron, an electrical charge is generated that travels down the long, thread-like projection known as an axon. At the end of the axon, the neuron will release neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that will go to the synapse. The neurotransmitters will bind to receptors placed on the neighboring neuron, thus allowing the signal to continue.
There are several main principles that the functionality of the brain relies on:
Neural networks
Neurons are able to form complex networks that have the task of processing information. Specific regions of the human brain are responsible for different functions. For instance, the hippocampus is responsible for memory processes.
Memory and learning
The complex interplay of neurons that exists in our brain is able to make the brain store and retrieve information. There are both short-term memory and long-term memory that the brain is capable of activating. As a person learns, the neural connections strengthen through practice and repetition.
In response to a learning or injury experience, the human brain has the incredible property of adapting and rewiring itself. Such a property is known as neuroplasticity, and it allows for the buildup of new connections and the strengthening of those that are already there.
The integration of memory, the ability to reflect on one’s experiences and thoughts, and the sensory input are all part of consciousness. However, this is still a topic that puzzles scientists, as they can’t understand how the brain is able to generate consciousness. Other voices claim that consciousness is generated by the human soul, not the brain. Whatever the truth is, the world still has a lot to learn about the human brain and consciousness.
Incredible facts about the human brain
Did we say that the human brain is more complex than we would ever be able to comprehend? Well, let’s talk about some other amazing facts about this fabulous organ, shall we?
Each neuron can form thousands of connections
From the approximately 100 billion neurons that exist in the brain, each of them is able to form thousands of connections with other neurons. This results in trillions of synapses, and such a level of complexity enables advanced cognitive abilities.
Amazing processing speed
Did you know that neurons are able to transmit electrical signals at speeds of up to 1220 meters per second? Thus, rapid thinking and response times are allowed.
It consumes a lot of energy
The brain represents only 2% of the total weight of our body. But even so, it consumes roughly 20% of the energy available in the body, confirming the magnificent computational power of this organ.
Did you know that scientists still can’t understand why our brains are able to generate dreams? During the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, meaning a phase of our sleep cycle, our brains will become highly active. That’s also the phase when vivid dreaming will occur.
Huge memory capacity
The storage capacity of the brain is higher than that of any computer out there. Our brains can store about 2.5 petabytes of information.
Why is the human brain so incredibly complex, and what other mysteries it harbors represent huge conundrums even with the knowledge and scientific breakthroughs of today. But hopefully, humanity will be able to answer such questions at some point in the future, or perhaps AI tools such as ChatGPT could give us a hand.