African Innovations Through the Ages: Unveiling the Major Scientific Achievements of the Continent

African Innovations Through the Ages: Unveiling the Major Scientific Achievements of the Continent

When we speak about scientific inventions and discoveries, we are tempted to first think about what the Americans and Europeans did for the world. While there’s no denying that there are many wonderful scientific breakthroughs that those nations have offered to the world, it’s time to speak about the major contributions that other areas of the globe have made.

Important inventions and scientific discoveries have arisen from parts of the world, such as the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Russia, and more. For this article, it’s time to look a bit back in time to consider some of the most amazing scientific achievements that took place in Africa:

The Egyptian Pyramids:

If you know anything at all about Africa, surely you’ve heard about the Egyptian Pyramids. That’s because those structures are so incredibly complex and well-built that engineers struggle even today to find out how it was possible for such structures to exist thousands of years ago.

The Egyptian Pyramids, especially the Great Pyramid of Khufu, Menkaure, and Khafre, are architectural marvels that date back to about 2580-2510 BCE. These structures were believed to serve as tombs for pharaohs.

Astronomy in Ancient Africa:

Various African civilizations, such as the Dogon people of Mali, were known for having advanced knowledge of astronomy. Those people were able to predict celestial events and could understand a lot about the movement of stars and planets.


It’s also worth keeping in mind that traditional African medicine has a long history, as many communities have developed herbal remedies for various ailments. The knowledge of medicinal plants and their uses has been passed down through generations.

Mathematics and Geometry in Ancient Egypt:

Ancient Egypt was also home to major advancements when it came to mathematics and geometry. One of the proofs that Ancient Egyptians had advanced knowledge and mathematics and geometry is the very existence and construction of the pyramids.

The Sundial:

Clocks didn’t exist in Ancient Egypt, not to mention smartphones or computers that we use nowadays to measure time. Instead, they were simply relying on the position of the sun. This was a form of sundial known as the merkhet, and it dates back to about 1500 BCE.

The Lebombo Bone and Ishango Bone:

The Lebombo Bone and the Ishango Bone both represent ancient artifacts that prove early mathematical notations. These discoveries, originating from Swaziland and the Democratic Republic of Congo, orive early mathematical notations, as they suggest a sophisticated understanding of numerical concepts.

Timbuktu Manuscripts:

Timbuktu, which was located in Mali, represented a center of learning in the medieval period. The city was home to a cast collection of manuscripts from various fields, such as astronomy, mathematics, literature, and medicine.

Whether people like to admit it or not, Africa represents a vast and diverse continent with rich cultures and histories. African societies have been contributing to diverse scientific and technological achievements, as the country has played a role in shaping global progress and knowledge.

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