Once again, a strange UFO crash site has been spotted with Google Earth.The odd ‘spacecraft-like’ object seems to have crashed to a mountain-like structure and then have slid on the ice and snow, leaving a clear trace.
The supposed UFO has been discovered with Google Earth on the South Georgia Island found in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.
The mysterious object is 63 meters long
The SecureTeam10 YouTube channel’s owners, who made the “discovery”, explain that the strange object bumped into a mountain before sliding on the ice to its actual position. Supposedly, the UFO left a big trace and lots of debris on its slide.
“It appears to be some sort of massive elongated or cigar-shaped that at some point – and we don’t know when – came to a screeching halt in the snow. This could be something which came from the air and crash-landed,’ according to the SecureTeam10 YouTube channel.
The odd UFO was measured at approximately 63 meters long.
A lot of people commented on the SecureTeam10’s discovery
Many of the comments alleged that ET has nothing to do with this “discovery”.
According to some people who claimed they’ve participated in an exploration on the South Georgia Island, the mysterious object is a rock which fell off the mountain in that region and rolled on the ice.
“The research station on the island asked us to fly a photographic recce over the entire island to document population and locations of reindeer. As the photographer on that recce, I can confirm 100% that what you see in the image is just the result of a glacial slide. Sorry,” commented one of the people involved in the expedition.
As this strange UFO crash site has been spotted with Google Earth, many other similar “discoveries” have been made during the time. Many of them have been proven to be something else, while others are still mysterious. Apparently, this newly found mysterious object is nothing else than a rock.