In the last three decades, the number of obesity cases recorded in Quebec has doubled, according to a new study. Approximately 40% of adult Quebecers were deemed to be obese. The number is higher across women with one out of two being obese in comparison to one out of three men. A researcher who contributed to the study stated that the waistline measurements infer that the body shape has changed to accommodate the additional weight.
As people tend to become more sedentary, they lose muscle mass in favor of abdominal fat. The extra weight can lead to severe consequences in the long run, among which we can count higher risks of developing diabetes, heart issues, select types of cancers, sleep apnea and problems with cognitive functions.
The study observed the rate at which new cases of abdominal obesity were found since 1990. Participants, into three distinct age groups, 18-34, 35-64, and 65-74 years.
A New Survey Revealed That An ‘Obesity Outbreak’ Hit Quebec
In recent times the prevalence of new cases grew considerably from 8% in the case of the first group to 18.9. The difference is even more significant in the case of the 35-64 age group, with the rate jumping from 21.1% to 45.4%. Last but not least, the 65-74 years age group saw an increase of 31.1%.
To tackle the issue, people are advised to change their lifestyle. A balanced diet and an exercise plan can remove the excess fat without the need to resort to harsher strategies. Education plays an essential role as the study mentions that Quebecers and Canadians need to learn more about the benefits of healthy meals and how they can be prepared.
In recent years obesity awareness has started to rise as several countries began to work on special health programs which target the condition. In most cases, obesity is caused by the consumption of excessive food quantities, hormonal disorders select medications, or mental issues. Current data plays that a large number of Quebecers could battle with obesity-related health issues as they get older.