People are in shock and disgusted at the neighbor that left a note on the ambulance! While trying to save a man’s life, someone perhaps had a more ‘urgent’ issue to solve.
The patient had a major internal bleeding, he was vomiting blood. This happened at 4:30 AM, last Friday. He received first aid and was then taken to the hospital after 30 minutes. Unfortunately, he died.
Saving a Man’s Life is Far more Important than Blocking a Drive
The staff of the West Midlands Ambulance couldn’t believe their eyes when they read what it said.
The note said: ‘You may be saving lives, but don’t park your van in a stupid place and block my drive.’
As a response, the West Midlands Ambulance said that they were left speechless at the sight of the note. They added that the crew was helping the man who was in critical condition.
Sam Grimson, the clinical team mentor for the paramedic service said that the crew didn’t stay long at the scene because the patient wasn’t feeling well, so they had to go to the hospital.
The note has been shared on Twitter by the crew members that were stunned when they saw it.
A paramedic from the West Midlands Ambulance, Tasha Starkey stated that the patient was ‘time-critical’ and the crew was ‘minimal on scene time’.
West Midlands Ambulance, ‘You Are Awesome’!
After the note reached social media, a lot of people spoke up:
Gemma Downes said she is baffled by the mentality of that person. She added that she hopes that when that neighbor’s family needs an ambulance, he will have to ‘wait while you do a perfect parallel park.’
Other people thanked the West Midlands Ambulance for their great job, adding that the crews face difficult days and don’t need ‘a petty note like that’ to let them down.