U.S District Judge, David Norton, has sentenced Michaels Slager for second-degree murder, with a recommended 19-24 years sentence. The judge ruled that the ex police officer committed second degree murder when he shot dead Walter Scott, back in 2015.
Facts for the trial
Walter Scott was 50 years old and he was shot dead on the 4th of April 2015, when officer Slager from North Charleston Police Department fired his gun. Apparently, the ex-cop claimed self defense, but a video from the incident shoe Scott being shot in the back as he was running away. Michael Slager was fired from the North Charleston Police Department after the incident.
Both families are devastated
At the new trial both the victim’s family and Slager’s have given their testimonies. On one hand, Scott’s family described that day the worst day of their lives and said that they want justice.
On the other hand, Slager’s family: mother, father and wife testified and begged for a lighter sentence. According to them the ex-cop had to take the decision in a slip of a second and it was difficult to make the right choice.
Michael Slager pleaded guilty in 2016
Although initially Slager pleaded not guilty and the first case ended in mistrial, he changed his mind and pleaded guilty of violating Scott’s civil rights. During the trial at the federal court, Slager apologized to each family member and thanked them for having forgiven him. Prior to his pleading guilty, Scott’s mother declared she had forgiven him.
After the judge rules the sentence, the victim’s family declared that justice prevailed. They were pleased the justice system worked. One of the victim’s brother thanked publicly to Freiden Santana, the person who was brave enough to film the incident.