Breaking: Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report – The Deep State & Big Pharma Created Covid Pandemic

Breaking: Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report – The Deep State & Big Pharma Created Covid Pandemic

It has been released by the Russian Embassy in the US that the US deep state has created covid 19. Check out the latest mind-blowing reports.

Russia releases accusations

Russia has accused prominent figures of involvement in a plot to manufacture the Covid-19 pandemic and take over the world. The individuals listed include Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros.

“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” the Russian Embassy in the United States said on Thursday.

Russia has submitted more than 2,000 pages of reports to the UN as evidence to support its claims over the past 18 months.

The officials from Russia have stated that the bio-research activity initiated by the US Defense Department in Ukraine must be thoroughly assessed by relevant international organizations, including a comprehensive legal evaluation.

“Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects,” the embassy stated.

“Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures,” the statement continued.

There are growing concerns in the international community regarding unregulated dual-use research conducted by the US Defense Department.

Russia has repeatedly accused the United States of violating its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention.

These allegations have raised serious questions about the nature of such research and its implications for global security.

“Washington ignores the claims, justifying itself with a certain humanitarian component of its programs,” the diplomats noted.

“We emphasize that there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”

Check out more shocking details about the matter here. 

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