Top 3 Best Dietary Supplements For Type 2 Diabetes

Top 3 Best Dietary Supplements For Type 2 Diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, the human body is prevented from using insulin the way it supposed to. This is why the quantity of glucose in the body is higher than average. There are many ways in which a person who has this type of diabetes can lower its blood sugar. One way is to exercise, while another way is to eat healthier. And a third way is to receive treatment. The best way to counteract the symptoms of type 2 diabetes is to combine all these three ways.

Some supplements have been demonstrated to help those who have type 2 diabetes or those that have pre-diabetes. Here are three of the best dietary supplements for type 2 diabetes.

Top 3 Best Dietary Supplements For Type 2 Diabetes

Cinnamon supplements

Cinnamon was long known to have beneficial effects on the human body. One thing that cinnamon does is to improve the glucose level in the blood. It can also intensify the sensitivity of the body to insulin. Other benefits that cinnamon has are the improvement of the immune system, it alleviates digestion and has many vital nutrients.

Chromium supplements

Chromium is a mineral that acts positively on insulin and regulates it. It also controls the number of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the human body.

Quercetin supplements

Quercetin is a plant flavonol that can be found in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, and grains. Red onions and kale have quite a high quantity of quercetin. Quercetin is used because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and it can efficaciously decrease inflammation, it can kill cancer cells, monitor blood sugar, and prevent heart disease.

Quercetin decreased the level of sugar in the blood for the people that do not take any other treatment against diabetes.


It is worth mentioning that before deciding to take any of these top 3 best dietary supplements for type 2 diabetes, it is best to meet with your GP and discuss how they can help your condition. But keep in mind that nothing really can succeed without leading a healthy lifestyle.

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