Cancer Cure To Come Out Next Year, Israeli Scientists Announced

Cancer Cure To Come Out Next Year, Israeli Scientists Announced

A team of Israeli scientists from the Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies, under the leadership of CEO Dr. Ilan Morad, claimed that they have a cure for cancer, a treatment that might save millions of lives every year. This reliable cancer cure would come out next year, the Israeli researchers announced, according to The Jerusalem Post.

“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer. Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” said Dan Aridor from the Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies.

This cancer cure developed by Israeli researchers consists of a blending of cancer-targeting peptides and a unique toxin that is said to kill cancer cells. The treatment would also be customizable to match with specific requirements some cancer cases might have.

Israeli Scientists Announced That A Cancer Cure Would Come Out Next Year

This cancer cure, known as MuTaTo, sounds too good to be true, but the Israeli scientists behind it claimed that their drugs cocktail showed excellent results in mice subjects. The cure inhabited the evolution of cancer cells but did not harm the mice’s healthy cells. That would also be applicable in human, the researchers stated. The scientists would also conduct a more thorough clinical trial with human subjects.

There are more than 18 million new cancer cases that appear each year, according to the statistics, so an effective cancer cure is undoubtedly the Holy Grail of medicine. Now, Israeli scientists claim that they have an active drug against cancer.

We don’t know if that’s indeed true or if the Israeli researchers would keep their promise to launch the cancer cure that they developed, in 2019. However, it would be indeed a great discovery if it turns out it’s true.

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