Be Healthy with These Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Be Healthy with These Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a tuberous root vegetable that has many health benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, manganese and dietary fiber. In addition to its nutritional value, sweet potato is a versatile food that can be eaten at any meal of the day. You can serve sweet potato hot or cold, in any form you like, such as mashed, fried or baked. Beyond their great taste, there are many health benefits of sweet potatoes.

Here are 10 reasons to eat more sweet potatoes:

1. Great Source of Vitamin A

Sweet potato is rich in vitamin A, providing up to 44 percent of your recommended daily value for this important vitamin. Vitamin A plays an essential role in vision and is needed for growth, development and immune function. Children who lack vitamin A may suffer from night blindness and have a hard time fighting infections.

2. Good Source of Potassium

Sweet potato is also a good source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure and decrease your risk of stroke by keeping your heart healthy. Just one medium-sized sweet potato meets 12 percent of the U.S. recommended daily intake for potassium.

3. Packed with Fiber

About 7 percent of your daily fiber requirement can be obtained from just one medium-sized sweet potato.

4. Low in Calories

When you need to watch your weight, sweet potatoes are an excellent low-calorie option. Each 100-gram serving has only about 80 calories, which is less than half of what you’ll find in a medium baked potato. And if you’re watching your waistline but not your weight, sweet potatoes also contain about 30 percent fewer calories than white potatoes with no loss in nutrition or taste.3. High in Fiber Sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber — eating just one cup provides more

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