Long COVID, or the long-term repercussions of a coronavirus infection, can cause a slew of symptoms, including excessive weariness. Women who develop long COVID, according to a new research, may never be capable of exercising at the same level again.
As per a study from Indiana University Bloomington, many women have described suffering heart rate anomalies as a result of their COVID-19 illness, affecting effort and recuperation from physical exercise.
Long-term COVID, or the long-term repercussions of coronavirus infection, can cause a slew of symptoms, notably excessive weariness.
Difficulty breathing or joint and muscle pains can occur in women with lengthy COVID-19 because to recurrent heart and lung issues. Men with COVID-19 seem to have more serious symptoms and higher death rates, according to scientists, but this is the first time experts have uncovered indications that women are battling more following infection.
Women exceed males 3-to-1 in seeking therapy for persisting symptoms after a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, according to previous research.
The researchers examined the time it took for women’s hearts to get to baseline after walking for 6 minutes. After at least 10 minutes of repose sitting down, researchers evaluated each participant’s resting heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, and assessments of reported shortness of breath before to the walk test.
After that, the ladies were to walk as far as they could throughout the test, with no extra assistance. The researchers measured post-exercise heart rate, blood oxygen levels, ratings of reported shortness of breath, and rates of felt effort again immediately after the test.
“Given the greater prevalence of age-related physical disability in women, as compared to men, our findings show that a targeted rehab program might be especially useful to women and other groups affected by persistent COVID-19 symptoms – thus promoting recovery and minimizing susceptibility for deteriorating physical condition,” explained the author of the study.