Vitiligo – Manifestations And Symptoms Of The Disease

Vitiligo – Manifestations And Symptoms Of The Disease

Symptoms of vitiligo may be one or more spots (also called macules), white or hypopigmented (slightly lighter than the surrounding skin); stains may be round, oval or linear, well-defined, unaccompanied by pruritus (itching); on the surface of the hair it may be discolored, but it may also retain its color; the stains gradually increase.

The first vitiligo spots appear most commonly on the hands, on the forearms, on the feet, on the face (especially around the eyes or around the mouth).

If you have observed all these manifestations, contact your dermatologist to determine the exact cause of the appearance of the stains.

How Does Vitiligo Evolve?

As a rule, vitiligo evolves after one of the several well-known scenarios.

The first scenario: once they appear, the macules may not increase for several months, but then there may be an expansion of access to several regions of the body. In some cases, rapid and complete depigmentation of the body can occur within 1-2 years.

The second scenario: The lesions first expand very quickly, but later they stabilize and change their shape and size.

The third scenario: the stains grow steadily, slowly over several years in a row.

The appearance of vitiligo is responsible for a dysfunction of the immune system. Even though vitiligo does not pose any danger to health and life, people affected by this disease suffer more often from some autoimmune diseases than others.

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