Sleep Hacks To Get You Through This Stressful Season

Sleep Hacks To Get You Through This Stressful Season

Sleeping is something you can do without for a little while. But if you don’t sleep for long enough or well enough, the impact on your body and mind will become increasingly noticeable.

Trouble sleeping through the night is one of the more common symptoms of burnout. It’s also something that can be easily overlooked as a potential sign. If you’re feeling tired during the day and it’s not just from a lack of sleep, chances are there’s another underlying issue contributing to your fatigue. If you’re feeling burned out, here are some strategies that may help:

  • Move it! Exercise is a proven way to promote better sleep, but if you have trouble getting motivated to work out, find ways to move in your daily life. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Park farther away from your office or home and take a short walk during lunch or breaks.
  • Create a routine, this benefits of good sleeping habits. Having a predictable bedtime ritual can help calm your mind and prepare you for sleep. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol (especially close to bedtime) and give yourself time to unwind before going to bed.
  • In order for you to fall asleep easier, it is important that your bedroom is as dark as possible. Your body will produce melatonin when it gets darker outside which will help you fall asleep faster. The less light in your room, the better. Make sure that you block out any lights from street lights or anything else that might be able to get into your room so it is nice and dark.
  • Cut down on caffeine. Many people turn to coffee or tea to help them wake up earlier. But caffeine can take several hours to wear off completely, so if you have trouble sleeping at night, cutting back on caffeine in the afternoon may help.
  • Avoid screens before bedtime. The light from computers, televisions and other devices delays the release of melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain’s pineal gland that helps regulate sleep and waking cycles.

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