Risk of Obesity is Higher in Women Who Suffer Multiple Dramas, Study Says

Risk of Obesity is Higher in Women Who Suffer Multiple Dramas, Study Says

A study conducted at the University of California shows that distressing events can increase the risk of becoming obese by over a third. The following report has been presented at a meeting that took place in Anaheim, California, at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions.

Professor Michelle Albert, the study leader has examined data of a total of 21,904 women, reaching the conclusion that traumatic life events are an important risk factor for weight gain.

A Great Factor in Gaining Weight is Too Much Drama

A distressing event could mean the death of someone they loved or even long-term unemployment or physical assault. Women are more prone to eating disorders, turning to comfort eating or developing hormonal changes because of the trauma they’re going through.

A part of those women that experienced more than one traumatic life event turned out to be 11% more likely to become overweight than those who never went through trauma.

The risk of becoming overweight increases for women that have gone through more trauma in the last five years. For example, women that reported more than four traumatic events have a 36% increased risk.

Asses and Treat Psychosocial Stress to Prevent the Risk of Gaining Weight

Michelle Albert said that psychological stress that comes from negative life events have been proven to have a negative impact on women’s weight. She also advises people to ‘consider including assessment and treatment of psychosocial stress in approaches to weight management.’

Healthcare costs increase too, as obesity increases the risk of developing illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes or cancer.

The British Heart Foundation spokesman also added that the mental wellbeing should be considered, along with physical fitness, so that women could have a healthy weight.

In Western Europe, Britain is the fattest nation that managed in 20 years to double its obesity rates to 27%.The National Health Service pays up to £16billion every year for conditions that are linked to obesity.

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