Health Warning Is Raised for Humans from Ill Deers Turning into Zombies

Health Warning Is Raised for Humans from Ill Deers Turning into Zombies

The deer population from 26 states in America has CWD, which is a chronic wasting disease. The disease started one year ago, and the deer population is affected more and more since then. Unfortunately, the CWD doesn’t have a cure, and the faith of the deers is death. The symptoms of CWD are weight loss, drooling, listlessness, lack of fear, aggression, and awareness.

CWD is the same as the BSE (the bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease). This means that if the CWD is in the same category as BSE, we are talking about prion disease. The problem is that the condition can affect humans, and the symptoms are equivalent to the CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease). The CJD was a disease that affected people in the UK between the ’80s and ’90s, and more than 100 people died.

Health Warning Is Raised for Humans from Ill Deers Turning into Zombies

Moreover, the grave issue is the fact that the transmission to people happened already, and nobody knows. The CWD is not acting as the mad cow disease. If the condition is already in the meat, the cooking will not destroy it. The deers are losing their control because of the parasites that are controlling them. The parasite is practically transforming the host into a zombie, and the action depends strictly on the pest. The best example of this kind of behavior is at the carpenter ants, which are often parasites by the Ophiocordyceps fungus.

Finally, the parasite circuit can be incredible if you think of it. The fungus can affect humans from a rat. If the rat has the parasite, it will act anomaly, and the cat’s urine will attract it. As we know, nature’s way of doing things, the cat will eat the rat. And the cat will bring the parasite in your house.

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