COVID-19: Mental Health Can Suffer Long Term Effects, Says the WHO

COVID-19: Mental Health Can Suffer Long Term Effects, Says the WHO

We all know the classical ways the infection with COVID can affect us: it makes us develop fever, headaches, shortness of breath, and it can even kill us in some cases. But according to the World Health Organization (WHO), our mental health can be impacted by the disease as well, as a new article from NDTV reveals.

The WHO warns about the mental health impact of the ongoing pandemic, saying that “Everyone is affected in one way or another” during a meeting in Greece (Athens) with health ministers from dozens of countries.

Anxiety and stress represent a serious problem

During the meeting, experts and leaders raised the alarm about the pandemic situation causing anxieties and other problems due to lockdowns and self-isolation, which is understandable. Humans are social beings by nature, meaning that they need the company of one another. Stress linked to unemployment and financial problems are also issues caused by the COVID pandemic. A mental health crisis was thus created, according to the experts.

Credit:, iqbal nuril anwar
Credit:, iqbal nuril anwar

One of the official statements says it clear, as quoted by NDTV:

The mental health impacts of the pandemic will be long term and far-reaching.

Jans Kluge, who is the regional director for Europe from the WHO, declared as also cited by NDTV:

The pandemic has shaken the world,
More than four million lives lost globally, livelihoods ruined, families and communities forced apart, businesses bankrupted, and people deprived of opportunities.

But whether we like it or not, the COVID pandemic seems far from over. Our publication revealed a few days ago how an epidemiologist from the World Health Organization brings a grim prediction, saying that the world is going further away from the pandemic’s end.

According to data from, there has been a total of over 193.1 million COVID infections around the world, while more than 4.1 million patients lost the battle with the coronavirus and passed away.

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