The monkeypox virus continues to remain on the front row news after more and more cases of infection are reported. Thousands of people in the US alone had to deal with the virus. As a result, the Biden administration declares monkeypox a new public health emergency.
The US will be moving additional resources for both vaccines and treatment in order to tackle the monkeypox outbreak. There will even be extra efforts to track the spread of the disease.
ABC NEWS revealed that monkeypox is now recognized as a public health emergency in the US via its YouTube channel:

Back in late July, Israeli doctors brought a shocking theory to the world: monkeypox might actually be an STD (sexually transmitted disease).
Dr. Roy Zucker, director of the Ichilov Hospital’s LGBTQ health services, stated for The Media Line, as The Jerusalem Post quotes:
We know from past data that the virus can be spread by being in the presence of someone who is infected for a long time – say for three hours at a distance of two meters or so, or by simply coming into physical contact with them,
But what we’re seeing across the world and in Israel is that most of the patients were infected via sexual activity. The WHO also said the same, that it appears as though this disease is transmitted sexually and so we can begin to refer to it as another STD.
It’s well known that monkeypox mainly spreads among men who are either gay or bisexual.
Luckily enough, the world has both medications and vaccines against monkeypox. This should be a strong enough reason to realize that there won’t be another pandemic.
The US has reported over 6600 cases of infection with monkeypox.