An important discovery has been made and it could lead to a solution that is able to cure Alzheimer patients. It appears that blood plasma infusions could become a treatment for Alzheimer. The team that discovered this is from the US and an entire research has been carried at the Stanford University School of Medicine in California.
Their findings suggest that Alzheimer patients could be helped with regular infusions of blood plasma. However, these infusions have to be from young donors. There is an early-phase clinical trial named PLASMA (Plasma for Alzheimer’s Symptom Amelioration).
Improvements were noticed
Eighteen patients were tested for this research and they each had Alzheimer in regular phases, from mild to moderate. Each patient received four, weekly infusions. Infusions either came from donors that were under 30 or, in the rest of the cases, they were placebo saline solutions.
It appears that the blood plasma infusions did work and the researchers noticed improvement for the patients that received them.
Researchers say this is not surprising
The results did not surprise the researchers since it appears that blood plasma infusions are a common medical solution. “Blood-plasma infusions have been in widespread use for medical purposes for a number of years, so while it is not surprising that they were found to be safe in this research, it is good news that this interesting approach can now be investigated in larger trial,” declared Alzheimer’s Research UK research director Carol Routledge.
The researchers are optimistic, but they do not want to judge these results too soon. “Our enthusiasm concerning these findings needs to be tempered by the fact that this was a small trial. But these results certainly warrant further study,” said Stanford neurology and neurological sciences clinical associate professor Sharon Shaw.