The 50 Most Common Illnesses that Count as Pre-Existing Conditions

The 50 Most Common Illnesses that Count as Pre-Existing Conditions

If you’re a US citizen, or at least keep track of international news, then you might now that President Donald Trump and the Republicans have put into motion one of their most talked-about campaign plans, namely to repeal and replace Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act. Their intentions stops protections for people suffering from pre-existing conditions, and thus an estimate of 130 million Americans could be facing an increase in health care costs.

This will happen because repealing Obamacare allows insurance companies to charge people with pre-existing conditions with more money (up to 25,700 dollars a year in premiums). Here are the 30 main diseases that are considered pre-existing conditions by insurance companies in the United States of America.

  1. Epilepsy
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cerebral palsy
  4. Hepatitis
  5. Cancer
  6. Congestive heart failure
  7. Heart disease
  8. Hemophilia
  9. Crohn’s disease
  10. Kidney disease
  11. Lupus
  12. Alcohol and drug abuse
  13. Bulimia
  14. Anorexia
  15. HIV and AIDS
  16. Alzheimer’s and dementia
  17. Pending surgery or hospitalization
  18. Organ transplants
  19. Obesity
  20. Multiple sclerosis
  21. Paralysis
  22. Paraplegia
  23. Pneumocystic pneumonia
  24. Mental disorders such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, OCD
  25. Muscular dystrophy
  26. Pregnancy
  27. Transsexualism
  28. Stroke
  29. Sleep apnea
  30. Parkinson’s disease

However, according to people working in the insurance business, there are other conditions that companies can argue fall into the category of pre-existing conditions.

  1. Ulcers
  2. Asthma
  3. Acne
  4. Heart burn
  5. Kidney stones
  6. Lyme disease
  7. Acid reflux
  8. Celiac disease
  9. C-section
  10. Knee surgery
  11. Hysterectomy
  12. Narcolepsy
  13. Postpartum depression
  14. Seizures
  15. Sexual deviancy disorders
  16. Seasonal affective disorder
  17. Pacemaker surgery
  18. Migraines
  19. High cholesterol
  20. And others

Therefore, people suffering from any of the conditions above will definitely have a hard time regulating their insurance.

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