Worldwide Respected Publication Times Of London Calls Gender Medicine, “Quack Medicine”

Worldwide Respected Publication Times Of London Calls Gender Medicine, “Quack Medicine”

It looks like the world might be going in a better direction these days, especially regarding medicine. The geneder medicine which was recently regarded as a great option for kids, is now in the spotlight again, but now, it looks like things are changing. Check out the latest reports about this below.

Gender medicine addressed by Times of London

Now, the extremely popular publication, Times of London, calls gender medicine “quack medicine.” Here is a very relevant post on X, shedding more light on the matter.

The prescription of puberty blockers to children is “Quack Medicine,” thunders The Times of London – this is one of the most influential center-left newspapers in the West:

“In the Western world at least, it is normal for new treatments to undergo rigorous testing before being accepted into mainstream medicine. Often, the complaint from those who might benefit from therapies is that approval takes too long. This ­excess of caution may be frustrating for those who need help but far worse would be a system in which patients became guinea pigs in unregulated mass experiments with potentially life-altering and irremediable consequences. Such is the case with puberty blockers, which for years have been fed to children in this country who are confused about their identity and sexuality.”

Not too long ago, I was also discussing the fact that Elon Musk has also addressed this issue.

In a previous article, I wrote that Musk shared a very interesting post on his social media account on X. He’s just posted a video by Sky News in which we see an announcement saying that puberty blockers, also known as sterilization drugs, will no longer be prescribed in Britain to children.

Here is the post that Musk shared on X:

Someone posted the following message: “The world is waking up!!! Transing kids is the greatest medical abuse scandal in history. We will end this nightmare!”

This is obviously a very sensitive subject and should be addressed accordingly.

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