What is a FibroScan and Why You Should Do One? Keeping Your Liver Healthy is Key

What is a FibroScan and Why You Should Do One? Keeping Your Liver Healthy is Key

Did you know that a FibroScan is a form of liver elastography that may evaluate the liver’s stiffness (hardness) as well as the fatty changes that take place in your liver? The procedure has now gained a lot of popularity, which is a great thing, and the prospect of having it done shouldn’t in any way frighten you. A FibroScan makes use of specialized ultrasound equipment, in addition to taking some measures, to assist your healthcare physician in gaining further insight into your liver illness. More information about the FibroScan and its significance may be found below.

Seeking medical help is essential if one wishes to receive the most effective therapy and support.

How Will Getting a FibroScan Benefit You?

Liver elastography is a non-invasive test, which means that nothing will be placed into your body during the procedure. Your doctor can actually use this test to determine the health of your liver. In addition, FibroScan is an example of a well-known form of live elastography. As was stated before, the FibroScan treatment is really interesting, and there is absolutely no need for you to feel afraid of it in any way. If you need any medical help, make an appointment with your doctor!

The Interpretation of Your Liver Elastography Using the Results of a FibroScan

First things first, here are some helpful phrases you should be familiar with in relation to the findings of your FibroScan:

  • Liver stiffness refers to the hardness of the liver, which is caused by scarring in the liver.
  • Steatosis is a disorder that is brought on by having an excessive amount of fat in the liver.
  • The proportion of fatty modifications to your liver may be assessed using something called a CAP score.
  • Scarring in your liver is referred to as fibrosis.
  • The abnormal accumulation of fat in your liver is referred to as a fatty change.

As a matter of fact, which reaches quite an intriguing level, the severity of fibrosis and steatosis are actually evaluated independently of one another. But here’s the thing. Your doctor will definitely discuss your results with you during the visit that you have scheduled with them.

Conditions that may have an effect on the results of your fibrosis

If you have any of the following conditions, your FibroScan findings may be less accurate or, in some cases, may not give you any results at all:

  • An obstruction in the biliary tract is known as biliary obstruction.
  • If your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30.
  • Scar tissue that forms around your liver as a result of surgery or radiation treatment.
  • Ascites. the accumulation of some fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Have you ever had a liver elastography performed on you? What are your opinions on the FibroScan process? Share your experience with us in the comments section below!

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