The covid pandemic saga continues, and the discoveries I’m making on a daily basis via Twitter and getting more and more disturbing. It seems that all that has been called a few years ago a “conspiracy theory” ends up being the plain truth.
The information is already out in the open; you just have to know where to look for it. Elon Musk allowed the banned important voices from the medical industry to speak, and hell has been unleashed upon those who did this to the world. Just take a look at all the new reports demonstrating the fact that authorities knew from the very beginning what’s been happening.
NHS director: hospitals lied about the real cause of “covid” deaths
The truth about the covid 19 pandemic is getting out, and it’s coming straight from the NHS director – the ex-director of End of Life Care at one of the largest hospital trusts in the UK.
Take a look at these tweets:
3. The DoH document proposed a switch to the “Medical Examiner” (ME) System and was sent to a number of different audiences for feedback and consultation.
The ME system was already being piloted at two hospitals up north.
The results of the consultation are below:
— Sai (@TheOriginalSai) January 14, 2023
Here’s more:
6. The MCCD states the cause of death. Whereby a direct cause (1a) or contributing causes (1b) (1c) (1d) are stated along with co-morbidities (not directly causing the death) being written in (2) on the MCCD.
The MCCD is only ever a probable cause of death, it is not definitive.
— Sai (@TheOriginalSai) January 14, 2023
The amazing was kind enough to save a copy of the thread just in case it somehow manages to get lost on the Web.
“In the event, it is removed from Twitter we have copied the thread below and attached a pdf copy at the end of this article. In the following, the number at the beginning of a paragraph relates to the number of tweet within the thread,” they note.
You can also check out the official documents here and here.
CNN breaks the news as well
As you may recall, CNN also dropped the mind-blowing details a few days ago. Dr. Leana Wen penned an op-ed in The Washington Post today where she argues the US has been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations.
Dr. Leana Wen also went on CNN and admitted that the US government had been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations.
BREAKING: Super-sleuth Leana Wen tells CNN we’ve been vastly overcounting COVID deaths, outlining the crucial distinction between deaths “with COVID” and deaths “from COVID.”
How did we miss this?
— Michael P Senger (@MichaelPSenger) January 17, 2023
Here’s more mind-blowing data:
We didn’t miss this and neither did the CDC. The media and big tech suppressed/censored it. According to the CDC, only ~5% of the “Covid deaths” were due to Covid alone. The other ~95% had, on average, 4 additional conditions or causes per death.
— TN Patriot (@10P8TRIOT) January 17, 2023
You can check out the official data for yourselves in this official link from CDC.
Flu vs. covid
Earlier today, we also revealed that there is a strong possibility that during 2020 and 2021, the flu cases have been misclassified as covid ones. Check out the numbers below.
Here’s the relevant tweet that cardiologist Peter McCullough shared earlier:
Unless both H Flu and SARS-CoV-2 were performed in every case, then some COVID-19 cases were in reality influenza and subjected to inappropriate isolation, medications, and iatrogenesis. Ask for hospital records and look for both tests. #courageousdiscourse @Covid19Critical
— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) January 18, 2023
Hey, Mr. Pfizer CEO, how are you these days?
Mr. Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, has been invited to this year’s WEF conference in Davos.
Some of the few real journalists out there who didn’t sell themselves chased him and asked him all the questions that the vaccine-injured and millions of other people who are now awake wanted to ask him. Thank you, Avi Yemini and Rebel News!
????WE CAUGHT HIM! Watch what happened when @ezralevant and I spotted Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, on the street in Davos today.
We finally asked him all the questions the mainstream media refuses to ask.
Full story:
— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) January 18, 2023
All these years, the “authorities” have told us to stay home to protect ourselves from a deadly virus, while they were out partying. While they told us to give up our cars and gas stoves and eat the bugs to save the planet, they were flying on private jets to elitist events to dine on the finest steak.
Pfizer employees caught on hidden camera – side effects, efficiency, immunity details exposed
Three years have passed, and the entire world has been subjected to lies, misinformation, corruption, and death. It is time for accountability.
As the prestigious lawyer who is fighting these companies, Tom Renz, notes, the federal bureaucracy is corrupt beyond words, and the politicians are worse.
He just stated that any legitimate scientist – that is not bought off – can see what has happened, and any with ethics has been speaking out.
“Only the most corrupt or lazy members of the scientific community are still promoting the COVID narrative, and particularly, the vaccines,” he said. You can check out his latest piece, in which he promises the world will see justice once and for all.
#Pfizer #Moderna, & the other purveyors of the poisonous #GeneTherapy #Fauci #WEF #Vaccines must be held accountable. Thank you @elonmusk – the latest #TwitterFiles are going to help make this possible. #truth #TomRenzShow @AGHuff @GenFlynn @KimDotcom
— Tom Renz (@RenzTom) January 10, 2023
For a while now, Elon Musk has continued to drop the #Twitter files, which reveal the disgusting hidden circus that has been going on since the beginning of this pandemic. Now, there are some videos leaked on Twitter that show Pfizer employees talking about the side effects and low efficiency of their vaccine. Check out the latest reports below.
— Jack Lombardi II (@JackLombardi) January 10, 2023
Here is more disturbing information:
The #TwitterFiles reveal that COVID-19 natural immunity was being censored on social media.
You might recall when we caught a @Pfizer scientist saying your antibodies are better than their vax.
‘Your [COVID] antibodies are probably better than the [Pfizer] vaccination.’
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) January 9, 2023
How Twitter was pressed to suppress and censor data on mRNA vaccines
Alex Berenson dropped records from the Twitter Files not too long ago, stating that a board member for Pfizer pressured Twitter to suppress and censor any posts questioning the efficacy of the company’s mRNA vaccine.
On August 27, 2021, Pfizer Board Member Dr. Scott Gottlieb emailed Todd O’Boyle, a Senior Manager of Public Policy at Twitter’s Washington, DC location, according to LinkedIn, and also Twitter’s point of contact with the White House, Berenson reported. Check out our previous article to learn more.
CDC and FDA about covid vaccines efficiency and evaluation
Here’s the relevant tweet below:
Two years into mass, indiscriminate debacle don’t expect any celebrations. Will be more and more headlines like this as the avalanche of heart damage, blood clots, neurological disability, and death in many settings continues. Pull them from the market! #courageousdiscourse
— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) January 9, 2023
You can check out the data that we are addressing in the original papers here.
The Twitter files are vital because they reveal Pfizer censored and inhibited the dissemination of well-established science, such as natural immunity, in coordination with Twitter. The goal was to psychologically manipulate parents with disinformation to push mass child vaccination.
Big Tech conspired with Big Pharma to feed the public disinformation. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code – crimes against humanity.
Check out more official data and reports here in order to learn more details about what Pfizer and the government, along with Big Tech and Big Pharma have been hiding all this time.
WEF is increasingly becoming an unelected world government that the people never asked for and don’t want
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 18, 2023
Meanwhile, it’s been reported that the “elites” at WEF have asked for unvaccinated pilots to take them to the Davos conference. Let that sink in.
The people going to Davos…for the WEF Conference do NOT want vaccinated Pilots.
“We’re getting calls now from wealthy businessman who require unvaccinated pilots and crew” to fly planes.
— James Cintolo, RN FN CPT (@healthbyjames) January 15, 2023
While you’re staying tuned for more juicy news, make sure to beware of your gas stove because, according to the latest reports, it can increase the risk fooor…you guessed it! cardiovascular events – by almost 50%! And, of course, this has been happening since 2020-2021 – those are the golden years since cardiovascular events like myocarditis increased. Because doctors prescribed brand-new gas stoves for covid. And because of climate change, eating eggs, racism, energy bills, paracetamol, and more.
Public health has a big campaign on new causes of heart attacks in young people: poor diet in pandemic, depression in pandemic, cold weather in pandemic, shoveling snow in pandemic, or any physical activity. What does NOT get a US callout for myocarditis – the new injection ????
— Pam Long (@PamLongCO) December 7, 2021
Anyway, my gas stove identifies as electric these days, so I guess I’ll be safe.
To finish this article on a brighter note, here’s a funny yet very useful video for all those who might suffer terrible health issues during this winter:
Make sure to stay safe, protect yourselves and your loved ones from the mainstream media, and, most importantly, remain awake and cherish your health and freedom.