New Research Finds Link Between Cannabis Use And Sleep Problems

New Research Finds Link Between Cannabis Use And Sleep Problems

According to a recent study, those using cannabis on a daily basis are more likely to have sleep issues. Self-admitted cannabis users are more prone to have difficulty obtaining sufficient sleep, either not getting sufficient or having too much, according to the observational research. Although the data cannot indicate a direct cause-and-effect relationship, heavier cannabis users showed a stronger association.


The use of cannabis like sleeping support is one of its numerous claimed advantages. However, there is conflicting research about how cannabis impacts sleep. As a result, scientists began digging into records from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a national survey concerning the habits of US citizens that the CDC conducts on a regular basis. Respondents in the NHANES are questioned about their sleeping habits and also their drug usage (while some participants may be hesitant to admit to taking drugs, the answers are legally mandated to be kept anonymous and not connected to a person’s identity).


Their study, which was released in the journal Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine on Monday, analyzed information from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2005 to 2018. In all, 14% of individuals said they had used cannabis recently. After controlling for characteristics such as age, the researchers discovered that users were 34% more likely to experience sleeping fewer than 6 hours and 56% more inclined to disclose sleeping over 9 hours each night compared to non-users. The healthy number of hours for sleep was considered between 6 to 9 hours.  Regular cannabis users, described as those who used it 20 times in the previous 30 days, were considerably more probable to be on the extremes.

These investigations can only indicate a connection among 2 variables, such as cannabis usage and sleep problems, not a cause-and-effect relationship. It’s conceivable, for example, that regular marijuana users are terrible sleepers for a variety of factors, or that the sleep problems is one of the causes why they started using cannabis in the initial place, after hearing about its alleged insomnia advantages. However, one indication to infer a true effect from cannabis is the higher related risk among heavy users, according to the researchers. If cannabis has the capacity to disrupt our sleep, you’d anticipate the severity or likelihood of that injury to increase as we consume more of it.

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