FDA Drops New About Covid Vaccines For Kids

FDA Drops New About Covid Vaccines For Kids

It’s been just revealed that the FDA decided something important regarding the updated covid vaccines. Check out the latest reports below.

Covid vaccine for kids 

It’s been just revealed that CBS News reports that at this point in the covid-19 pandemic, nearly all Americans are eligible to receive a dose of the updated vaccines.

More than that, according to the latest reports, the FDA recently announced the expanded authorization, clearing the way for recipients of Moderna’s vaccine to get the booster dose from the newest ‘bivalent’ vaccines, tailored for recent Omicron variants.

“Some of the youngest kids who got the Pfizer-BioNTech shots will also be eligible to get the updated booster this year,” according to the same notes. 

The FDA also stated that kids in the 6 months to 4 years range could also get a 3-dose ‘primary’ series, including the kid-sized bonus dose to make sure protection is at the same level as that of adults.

The latest on covid 19

A new article on Newsbreak begins by stating the following:

“Covid- 19 was genetically manipulated and leaked from the Chinese laboratory, according to a scientist who collaborated closely with a US-funded Wuhan lab.”

The pandemic was described as “one of the worst cover-ups in history” and the “biggest US intelligence failure since 9/11” by Dr. Andrew Huff, a former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance.

According to the article mentioned above, whistleblower Huff thinks that grant funding Anthony Fauci gave to EcoHealth Alliance through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) was responsible for the “development of SARS-CoV-2” in his expert opinion.

The article continues and explains the fact that the virus has been manipulated in a lab in Wuhan and it escaped from there, causing the distress that it did all over the world. Check out our previous article in order to learn more details about this. 

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