Botanical Medicine Can Treat A Covid Vaccine-Injured Heart

Botanical Medicine Can Treat A Covid Vaccine-Injured Heart

It seems that we have some amazing news related to a covid vaccine-injured heart treatment. Check out the latest reports about this below.

Botanical medicine boosts the heart

Exploring how the herb motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) can benefit a vulnerable heart. This herb has traditionally been used to strengthen the heart and has calming and anti-spasmodic effects due to its nervine properties.

This may be particularly helpful for a heart that may experience a crisis due to a stimulating event. Recent heart crises, such as myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest, especially in working-age adults, have been associated with high levels of cortisol and catecholamines caused by stress or early morning hours after COVID vaccinations.

It is believed that this combination of factors can trigger a dangerous reaction in a heart that is already compromised by latent myocarditis.

It is known that the COVID-19 virus targets the ACE2 receptor in human cells, resulting in a tight binding. This reduces the available ACE2, leading to an increase in angiotensin II, which can cause inflammation and fibrosis, issues that are already present in vaccine-damaged hearts. However, Leonurus could potentially reduce angiotensin II-mediated injury, specifically in COVID-vaccine-injured hearts. It’s worth noting that angiotensin II can lead to inflammation.

Moreover, Leonurus has anti-arrhythmic effects and can lower left ventricular issues.

Its flavonoids may enhance mitochondrial metabolism, which could improve heart health by enhancing circulation and antioxidant activity.

Other useful herbs for heart’s health

There are potential positive effects on the heart and endurance from the COVID vaccine. Certain herbs, such as Ammi Visnaga, may be helpful in lowering cortisol levels, particularly during the predawn hours.

Additionally, Ashwagandha, a popular Ayurvedic medicine, has demonstrated anti-anxiety properties and anti-inflammatory effects. Prickly ash, another herb, can potentially act as an anti-thrombotic agent due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve capillary circulation.

Overall, these herbs may provide benefits for individuals who have received the COVID vaccine.

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