The Nutritarian Diet Is Back!

The Nutritarian Diet Is Back!

The Nutritarian diet is a new diet plan created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a doctor specialized in the prevention and treatment of nutrition disorders. The Nutritarian diet is a clear plan to help you get to a healthy weight and maintain it without the need to count calories.

The Nutritarian Diet – Benefits

According to the author of the diet, the benefits of the Nutritarian diet are numerous, including:

  • Slows down the aging process of the body;
  • Helps repair the cells;
  • Reduces inflammation;
  • Assist the body to eliminate toxins;
  • Control appetite;
  • Suppress food cravings;
  • Prevents and treats certain affections;

These benefits are possible because of the Nutritarian diet is based on high consumption of fruits and vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts, and almost complete elimination of meat and other animal products.

In addition, the complete elimination of refined carbohydrates from your menu will support a balanced weight loss and overall body health.

What and how much to eat in the Nutritarian Diet

  • Crude vegetables or preparations with the exception of potatoes – 30-60% of the total daily calories;
  • Fruits – 10-40% of the total daily calories;
  • Legumes (beans, peas) – 10-40% of the total daily calories;
  • Seeds, nuts, and avocados – 10-40% of the total daily calories;
  • Whole grains, and potatoes – less than 20% of the total daily calories;
  • Eggs, fish, and dairy products – less than 10% of the total daily calories;

The recommended foods in the Nutritarian diet

Dr. Fuhrman recommends you to include mushrooms, arugula, parsley, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cress, onions, garlic, tomatoes, black beans, lentils, berries, apple, avocado, coconut, almond milk, walnuts, chia seeds, linseed, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, oat flakes, brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, and balsamic vinegar.

Is the Nutritarian Diet really working?

The Nutritarian diet is a good starting plan for your “weight loss journey”. The fact that you have to give up meat, cheese, and other animal products will make you lose toxins, as well as will eliminate high-calorie intake.

Thus, the Nutritarian Diet might really be helpful to lose weight and you don’t have to count calories but only to change your eating habits.

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