The mosquito season is underway, reason for which the FVRD (Fraser Valley Regional District) was recently involved with treating the larvae in the high water. They are doing this in order to minimize the annoying conditions for the residents.
The district decided to focus on what is the biggest source of mosquitos around, namely the Fraser River corridor, which hosts lots of hatching mosquitos when the river levels rise. The contractor for FVRD, which is Morrow Bioscience Ltd. has been busy for the last 6 weeks with monitoring and mapping the breeding sites for mosquitos, as well as treating them. The river levels have been higher than the past couple of years.
This translates to the fact that there is more seepage water in the low lying areas, which also leads to an abundant habitat for mosquitos.
More Mosquitos This Year
Stacey Barker, who is the deputy director of regional programs, declared that in the last 2 years there has been a lower than average mosquito number. The water levels haven’t been as high as now since 2014, which means that there are three years of larvae which are hatching in particular areas. Despite the fact that the team has prevented 80% of them to hatch, there are still enough mosquitos to bother the residents.
Recommendations for Residents
Residents are also advised to make a little effort on their own in order to eliminate the breeding sites next to their homes. One simple measure is to make sure there is no source of standing water nearby, such as bird baths, pet dishes, old tires, trampolines, flower pots, gutters or pool covers, for instance. If you have a swimming pool you should make sure it’s maintained and chlorinated. Even the wading pools for children should be emptied and turned over when not used.