Experts Investigate Link Between Vitamin D And COVID-19

Experts Investigate Link Between Vitamin D And COVID-19

As you already know, for a few months now, a lot of people all over the globe have been staying at home, following advice from health experts, quarantining indoors in order to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus

Now, it’s been just revealed that there are some experts who are investigating the possibility that spending time in the sun could actually do us some good and prevent COVID-19.

The importance of vitamin D

This is because sunshine is an important ingredient for our organisms to make vitamin D. After noting this link between severe COVID-19 cases and vitamin D deficiency, experts analyzed the hypothesis that the vitamin, absorbed through the sunlight by our skin could be actually playing an important role in supporting the body’s immune system to fight the novel coronavirus.

On the other hand, it’s also important to note the fact that more research is needed at the moment, and it’s also unclear whether low vitamin D levels are simply an effect of severe disease, rather than a cause.

“The correlation is not causation. So we need to actually do a clinical trial,” according to Arizona State University researcher James Adams.

An important question that really needs answering is if vitamin D deficiency can cause severe COVID-19 symptoms or if the deficiency is itself a symptom of COVID-19. 

Check out the original article in order to learn more details about the importance of vitamin D

Coronavirus latest news

Recently, we were addressing the fact that there’s one new potential treatment for the novel coronavirus that has just been addressed.

Also, it’s important to mention the fact that an Italian infectious disease expert believes that the virus is becoming less and less dangerous, and it could eventually disappear without a vaccine, on its own.

There are also reports claiming that this could be the best solution to kill the pandemic

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