Should You Worry About Mono Being an STD?

Mononucleosis (mono) is a viral ailment caused by the herpes simplex virus. Although the Epstein-Barr virus is usually to blame, other viruses can also cause mono. The thing with mono is that it has some people confused if, in fact,…
What Tests are Included in the Full STD Panel

If you’re a big hit with the ladies or the gents, you should definitely act precautions and protect yourself against STDs. Protection through condoms is one of the best ways to prevent getting infected with HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, and other…
The Reason Why Millions Of Americans Suffer From An STD

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that there are about 110 million Americans infected with a sexually transmitted disease and that the incidence has raised lately. Chlamydia is the Most Common S.T.D. The most common S.T.D. is Chlamydia…