The proof for the existence of a divine being might have been under our noses all along, although, for millennia, people have been struggling to find out for sure if God is real or just a man-made myth. Mathematics represents the key to proving the existence of an omnipotent and all-knowing divine being.
Centuries ago, the great astronomer and theologian Galileo Galilei said one of the most memorable quotes in history: “Mathematics is the language with which God has written the Universe.”
Centuries later, in our times, another important scientist by the name of Michio Kaku used a metaphor to describe that an all-powerful divine being relies on mathematics to build our physical world, as he said simply, “God is a mathematician.”
Humanity has always had a hunch that there’s an omnipotent and all-knowing divine creature responsible for creating us and everything we see in the world, as God has put in our souls the faith in Him. But as our minds are clouded by doubt and all sorts of theories, it was only a matter of time before some people became atheists or skeptics of God’s existence.
Therefore, how can math prove the existence of God? Let’s find out:
How can we describe God?
First of all, when it comes to the term “God,” whether you’re a believer or not, it refers to a hypothetical divine being that is omnipotent (can do anything), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (everywhere), and supernatural (above the physical reality).
What is math, and what does it have to do with God?
A new video posted by the Redeemer Zoomer YouTube channel explains how math proves the existence of God. First of all, the narrator says that math is about numbers and information about those numbers and how numbers can connect to each other. But where does all this math exist in the first place? Obviously, we can’t perceive math with either one of the five senses, as we can’t see, smell, taste, etc. Instead, math exists only in our minds as human beings.
Let’s not forget that math can explain anything in our Universe, from the simple act of counting our money when we go to the grocery store to how the Earth moves around the Sun. Any possible theory in physics couldn’t possibly exist without math, and math can even explain what happens with the atoms of any object. Do you get it now why Michio Kaku and Galileo Galilei suggested that God is a mathematician?
Therefore, considering that math only exists in our minds and can explain the world we live in, what is the origin of math? Where does math come from? There are two possible scenarios.
Why math was discovered and NOT invented by the human mind
In order to explain where math comes from, there are two possible theories: it was either invented by the human mind, or it was discovered by it. If the first theory is correct, it means that the origin of math is natural. If, instead, the second theory is true and math was already there for humans to discover it, it means that this scientific field has a supernatural origin.
The right answer is that math was discovered, not invented, as it was already there for us, which means that it has a supernatural origin. The reason for this claim is quite simple: math contains infinite information, while we, as humans, are finite/limited in many ways. There’s an infinite number of numbers out there, and each of them has their own individual property. The crazy thing is that there’s even an infinite number of numbers between any two numbers. Furthermore, humanity keeps discovering new things about math! What better arguments could you possibly want that math refers to an infinite number of numbers and, therefore, has a supernatural origin?
The pi number, for instance, has an infinite number of digits that the world keeps discovering by calculations. If, instead, math was just invented by the human mind, we could have just established a certain number for pi, which should be finite.
All the information about math is somewhere out there, but not in our physical Universe, considering that the latter is finite. Math, as we just said, contains an infinite amount of information. Therefore, math must have a supernatural origin.
Math has a supernatural designer
There are many pieces of evidence indicating that math has a supernatural designer, and not just because it’s a scientific field with an infinite amount of information that apparently exists in a finite Universe.
Let’s take the Mandelbrot Set, a simple equation that makes a beautiful shape when you graph it in a complex plane. The amazing part about the Mandelbrot Set is that you can never stop finding new beautiful shapes as you zoom in. No matter how much you zoom in, you keep finding more and more copies of the Mandelbrot Set and new beautiful shapes that maybe nobody has ever seen before, depending on how much you are willing to zoom in. In other words, there’s infinite complexity in the Mandelbrot Set.
As you’ve probably already figured out, the Mandelbrot Set is not something any human mind has invented. It was discovered by accident, which makes it both very scary and fascinating at the same time. In other words, the Mandelbrot Set was discovered just by calculations, indicating that it belongs to a supernatural origin. It’s an infinitely complex structure that apparently exists in a finite Universe. Therefore, the million-dollar question is this: where did the Mandelbrot Set come from?
How math indicates the existence of God
As we said, math exists only in the mind, which means that its origin must be a mind. It contains infinite information, meaning that the “mind” behind it must be all-knowing. Math controls the Universe, indicating that the supermind behind it also has to be all-powerful. And since math is beyond the boundaries of our natural world, it means that the supermind behind it also must be supernatural. As you’ve probably already understood, we have just described God. The idea of a divine supreme being that is all-knowing, all-powerful, and supernatural perfectly fits with how we can describe math. In other words, Galileo Galilei and Michio Kaku were completely right when they thought about God as a mathematician.
Math is beyond time, space, and physical limits, which means that the existence of math proves the existence of God because math is in the mind of God.
Some atheists and those who are skeptical about the existence of God say that there’s no rational reason to believe in a divine being because science is capable of explaining the Universe and how it works. Apart from the fact that science is still far from being able to explain everything in our natural world, we need to keep in mind that science, by definition, cannot say if there is anything beyond our physical reality. In other words, science doesn’t speak about any supernatural side of reality that excludes stars, planets, galaxies, humans, animals, trees, atoms, and so on. In other words, science doesn’t directly speak about anything supernatural, nor does it directly confirm or deny the existence of anything existing beyond the limits of our natural world.