Even if you are a believer, a non-believer, an atheist, or an agnostic, you cannot deny that throughout history, there has been an ongoing debate between faith and science that has often led to serious struggles and discord between nations and people. But the truth is that in the midst of a clash of ideologies, there is a nuanced relationship between theology and societal development that extends beyond religious belief itself.
Faith and Science Rejoice: How Theology Helped the Development of Society Even for Non-Believers

Some famous thinkers of the world firmly believe that it is a mistake to say that science rules out faith completely or vice versa.
Faith traditionally serves as the cornerstone of many civilizations, but even those who chose to be non-believers had a lot to benefit from philosophical, cultural, and ethical distributions of theology to the advancement of our society.
One of the most important ways in which theology has influenced society is through the establishment of ethical and moral frameworks. You can easily realize that religious traditions offer comprehensive systems of morality and provide guidance on how people should conduct themselves within a community. Ethical principles, which were rooted in religious teachings, have served as the foundation for laws and social norms, shaping societal behavior. Also, cooperation and cohesion have been fostered due to ethical principles that had religious teachings as their foundation.
We also need to not forget that the works of theologians and religious people in general have stimulated profound discussions on the meaning of right versus wrong, the nature of virtue, as well as the pursuit of the common good.
Probably a lot of people seem to forget that theology has made major cultural contributions as well. For instance, religious narratives, symbols, as well as rituals have inspired literature, art, music, and architecture. In that regard, we can be reminded of the great Cathedrals from Europe, the intricate calligraphy of Islamic manuscripts, or the philosophical treatises of Eastern religious traditions. Therefore, we cannot deny the profound influence of theology when it comes to human creativity and expression.
If you’re still not convinced that theology has played a crucial role in the advancement of knowledge and intellectual pursuits, you should keep in mind that a lot of the earliest centers of learning, such as the medieval universities of Europe, were founded under the auspices of religious institutions. Scientific exploration often intersected with theological perspectives, thus leading to important scientific discoveries from fields such as astronomy, medicine, and a lot more. The famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton is known for his major contributions to physics while also being deeply engaged in theological study.
We all know that atheists by definition reject the existence of any deity or divine authority. As for theology, the field is known for its contemplation of ultimate truths and metaphysical realities and has therefore provided a framework for individuals, whether they are believers or non-believers, to engage in profound questions about the nature of life, existence, and so on.
While the search for meaning is a fundamental aspect of human nature, we cannot say that science explores this topic enough. On the other hand, theological insights focus a lot more on the subject, inspiring both atheists and agnostics throughout. It’s obvious that theology can serve as a catalyst for essential exploration and the quest for an objective meaning in life, regardless of one’s religious affiliation.
The complex and multifaceted relationship between faith and atheism cannot be neglected, as theology has played a pivotal role in shaping the development of society for both believers and non-believers.