WHO Declared “Biohazard Risk” In Sudan Following Bio-Lab Seizing By The Military

WHO Declared “Biohazard Risk” In Sudan Following Bio-Lab Seizing By The Military

It’s been just revealed that the World Health Organization has declared there is a “high risk of biological hazard” in Khartoum, Sudan after a military group seized one of Sudan’s main bio-labs. Check out the latest reports about this below.

WHO declares biohazard risk in Sudan

Reuters reported the laboratory seized contained cholera, measles, and several other deadly pathogens.

The WHO Representative of Sudan said in statement, “This is the main concern: no accessibility to the lab technicians to go to the lab and safely contain the biological material and substances available.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, US Special Forces had to execute an emergency excavation mission for personnel located at the US Embassy in Khartoum on Sunday due to the ongoing fighting between the Sudan Army and a military group within Sudan called the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

There is a “high risk of biological hazard” in the Sudanese capital Khartoum after one of the warring parties seized a laboratory holding measles and cholera pathogens and other hazardous materials, the World Health Organization said on Tuesday.

WHO in the news

We’ve already addressed the WHO global dominance for a while now and their plans to control humanity are otherworldly. If WHO gains control over the whole planet in case there’s another pandemic, this would mean hell on Earth for a lot of people. Just think about how WHO managed to take care of all of us during the covid pandemic, and you will understand what I mean.

WHO plans to control people all over the world 

Anyway, The World Health Organization gives this self-accolade on its website:

“Good health is a precious thing. When we are healthy we can learn, work, and support ourselves and our families. When we are sick, we struggle, and our families and communities fall behind. That’s why the World Health Organization is needed. Working with 194 Member States, across six regions, and from more than 150 offices, WHO staff are united in a shared commitment to achieve better health for everyone, everywhere.”

“Has the WHO kept this commitment? Have they delivered in the greatest pandemic of modern times?” these are the questions that a new article shares. 

After three years of ruling without consent from the world, the World Health Organization (WHO) is taking brazen new steps in the new world order to have supreme authority to declare health emergencies and declare emergency countermeasures, including lockdowns, restrictions in travel, and forced vaccines. This authority, according to WHO, would be binding by international law.

The online publication also noted the following: “The US House, Senate, and White House cannot seem to muster the courage and are powerless to resist the WHO. It appears as if House votes or Senate ratifications or even treaty signatures will not be required. The greatest hope now is the “Sovereignty Coalition” led by attorney Reggie Littlejohn.” Check out the original article for more data. 

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