Sensate Focus Therapy – A Simple and Effective Method

Sensate Focus Therapy – A Simple and Effective Method

For numerous people, issues with sexual response ​reflect the interference of their conscious, goal-oriented mind into an activity of the body that goes away from psychological pressure. Sensate focus therapy or sensate focus is a method that helps partners learn to enjoy touch for the pure pleasure of it.

What is Sensate Focus?

Sensate focus is a treatment approach used in sex therapy that utilizes a few structured touching exercises to help diminish sexual anxiety and negativity linked to sexual intimacy and improve the communication between the couple. A sex counselor guides an individual or couple through designated exercises throughout six or more weeks.

Sensate therapy helps couples achieve the three aspects needed for a positive sexual experience: willingness, relaxation, and sensuality. By reorienting the focus away from the expectations that lead to feelings of anxiety, couples can concentrate on enjoying the sensations they are experiencing in their bodies. When engaging in mindful touching, the receiver is encouraged to shift their attention to three sensations: temperature, pressure, and texture.

What Can Sensate Therapy Help With?

Sensate therapy has been successful in treating several difficulties that affect sexual intimacy. This includes body image-related anxiety, arousal, orgasmic difficulties, erectile issues, and chronic illnesses. Even though this method was initially developed for use with heterosexual couples, therapists have changed it to accommodate various populations’ needs.

A therapist will be able to monitor reactions to the exercises and decide the appropriate course of treatment. This method should not be used or progressed through without the consent of all people involved because safety and trust are at the heart of building and maintaining a healthy relationship.

Effectiveness of Sensate Therapy

There are numerous studies analyzing the use of sensate therapy, alone or in combination with other techniques, to enhance couples’ sexual satisfaction. Research suggests that the method is useful not just for treating specific sexual issues but also for helping to improve sexual satisfaction in couples with general dissatisfaction.

The sensate focus therapy has also been used as an aspect of sex therapy for people experiencing sexual difficulties as a result of medical conditions, such as breast cancer. Sensate therapy is well-accepted by sex therapists and other experts working with sexual dysfunction issues. The method is particularly helpful when used in combination with good education about sexual performance and function.

Sensate therapy is a very safe technique, and most people find it easy to follow. That is, mainly because it is specifically created as a slow and gentle process of decreasing performance anxiety and stress around sexual activity. Many sex therapists report that the technique is a simple and effective way to increase intimacy and connection among couples.

How to Find a Sex Therapist

There are numerous ways to go about finding a sex therapist if you experience any of the above-mentioned issues. The most affordable is usually to search the provider list for your insurance company – look for a behavioral health practitioner who specializes in sex therapy. You can also search therapist listings for sex counselors and cross-reference that with your insurance list.

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