In Brampton, Peel County, Ontario, the second measles case has just been confirmed in an infant.
Why is measles dangerous?
Measles is a disease that continues to exist in society but people develop a growing tolerance for it. Plus, there is a vaccine against it.
Measles is caused by rubella infection. The virus is also found in the nose and throat of the infected person and may be transmitted in the first 3-4 days before the irritation occurs and after its disappearance.
The rubella virus is transmitted through physical contact, sneezing, or coughing.
However, if this occurs for the first time in an environment, the result may be devastating. In 1592, measles killed two-thirds of Cuba’s population, and a few years later, half of the population of Honduras.
The measles infection is very dangerous, even fatal, for babies and elderly but also for people with a poor immune system.
Measles is causing fatal complications if not treated immediately, which include pneumonia, hepatitis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, cardiac complications, or the Dawson Disease.
When pregnant women contract rubella, the risks of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and the birth of babies with malformations increase significantly.
A new measles case was confirmed in Brampton in an infant
After an adult Canadian presented to a hospital with measles after returning home from an international travel on Friday, the Canadian health officials made the connection and asked everyone that was sharing the same plane with the infected to keep an eye on their health as they’ve been probably infected with rubella.
The officials asked passengers to check their medical records to see if they or their children have been immunized against rubella and, if not, to check for measles symptoms for 21 days after exposure.
Just one day after, Saturday, a new case of measles in Brampton has been confirmed in an infant.