Living Near Green Spaces Boosts Mental Health And Wellbeing

Living Near Green Spaces Boosts Mental Health And Wellbeing

New research has found that we can protect against a lot of neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson, or multiple sclerosis. These kinds of neurological diseases are affecting more than one billion people all around the world. Unfortunately, even in 2020, we don’t have a cure for them, but we can do more things to protect ourselves. The research is posted in the Environmental Health, and it is talking about what living around green spaces can do for our health, especially mental health.

The research has gathered 670.000 adults from different places and living in different areas. The team of scientists from the University of British Columbia has studied individuals residing at a distance of 50 yards from an important road, and another group of individuals living on a range of 160 yards from an important way. Between the two groups, the ones living far away from the road and surrounded by more green space, are having a low risk for neurological conditions.

Living Near Green Spaces Boosts Mental Health And Wellbeing

Unfortunately, the group closer to the high street has a 14% percent risk in dementia, Parkinson’s, or Alzheimer’s. However, the purpose of the study is to show that we need or we should have a life around green space. The idea is that once again, nature is protecting us against these conditions, especially the neurological ones. Weiran Yuchi, who is the author of the study, is saying that all the urban planning from now one should focus more on the green spaces and lowering the traffic.

Michael Brauer, the senior author of the research, is also adding that having green spaces all around us it’s reducing the risk factors. To sum up, having green spaces near us is making people to be more active and to be more friendly with individuals around them. Of course, this kind of advice is a must in everyday life, with or without green space around us.

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