Extremely Thin Models Banned in France

Extremely Thin Models Banned in France

It’s no secret that the fashion industry has been the cradle of some seriously harmful and self-destructive behavior pathologies over the years. Such issues range from alcohol and drug abuse to eating disorders. World-famous models are no stranger to abusing hard drugs such as cocaine in order to stay on top of their game, as well as starve themselves nearly to death in order to meet unrealistic and abnormal beauty standards.

However, activists and even fashion industry insiders are starting to raise awareness on the issue of malnutrition and unrealistic weight goals in for models over the last few years. This comes as extremely good news, although quite a few women had to harm themselves to the point of no return (some even died) in order to keep being cast for runway shows and important magazine shoots.

The Fashion Cradle of the World Adopts Law Against Malnourished Models

And now France has adopted a law banning unhealthily thin models from runways, urging brands and fashion houses to re-evaluate their standards. This is an important decision on the part of France, seeing as the European country is the world’s first and most notorious cradle of high fashion and haute couture in the entire world. On top of that, France has also regulated that digitally altered photos be labeled as such starting with October 1, 2017.

On top of that, the law stipulates that model agencies and fashion houses that break the law and promote models who have a BMI lower than healthy will get a fine of up to 75,000 euros, and even as much as six months in jail.

France is not the first country in the world to take such a strong stand against unhealthy beauty ideals and eating disorders in the fashion world. However, their contribution is arguably the most valuable one yet, seeing as the first five top designers that come to anyone’s mind first are most likely French.

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