Ambulance Service delays killed 19 people in England

Ambulance Service delays killed 19 people in England

East of England Ambulance Service delays might be guilty of killing 19 people and harming another 21 people, last month – December 2017. However, some voices say that more than 80 people will be identified as victims of the Ambulance Service delays.

It’s about the people who have called for an ambulance during December, which, as the Ambulance Service’s spokesman admitted, is a month of high-demand and the Service wasn’t able to respond properly to the more than 50,000 calls registered in the second half of the month.

These allegations are serious and triggered reactions from the officials.
Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, Jonathan Ashworth MP, asked for a full inquiry admitting that this situation must be clarified urgent, as the victim’s families or those harmed by the delays are waiting for some clear responses from the authorities.

East of England Ambulance Service Trust said that their managers had all the things covered from Christmas to New Year’s Eve and that all the Trust’s plans were in place.

However, the Trust admitted that during the New Year, in special, extreme levels of demand have been registered.

The Trust has already asked for full reviews of the activities conducted in the period in question and promises that will take the proper measures if the cases of potential death and harm are proven to be linked with Ambulance Service delays.

The inquiry can be confirmed on Monday.
The officials hope the Secretary of State will agree with the full inquiry, start an investigation on Monday and will keep MPs updated with what further actions need to be taken.

What’s for sure is that this situation is one of the most serious situations a health service of England was involved into, and if it is found that the Ambulance Service delays killed 19 people and caused harms for another 21, then the authorities’ actions will be radical.

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