Despite the fact that the sales for e-cigarettes are rising, the health departments found throughout the nation are sustaining campaigns against these devices. Recently, these e-cigarettes have replaced traditional smoking ways, and this activity even got a new name: vaping.
Possibly Dangerous Activity
We can see that the Kankakee County Health Department has been involving itself in the fight against the use of cigarettes. They have been working together with the Illinois Tobacco Quitline in order to create an advertising campaign that has the purpose of making people stop smoking.
A Creative Campaign
One of the ads was launched last week in the Daily Journal and it was quite a creative one. It depicted a traditional cigarette sitting next to an electronic one. On the top you can see the message “Two wrongs don’t make a right”.
According to Lindsay Wilson, who works as the health promotions director for the Kankakee County Health Department, the ad targets the misconceptions using e-cigarettes, which is also called vaping, as we already mentioned.
She declared that people have the misconception that vaping is healthier and that it helps people quit this bad habit. However, it represents a gateway for younger people to use a different kind of tobacco. Moreover, they still contain nicotine, which creates an addiction and impairs brain development.
Wrong Marketing
In general, tobacco companies have sold e-cigarettes as devices that help people stop smoking. Most likely because of this, they have proven that they attract a lot of teens and young adults. One reason for this is the fact that they offer lots of flavors, as well as the image they have as being a healthy option for smoking.
However, studies have shown that after the Federal Drug Administration started regulating the e-cigarettes, their use among high school students has fallen to 11%.