Unclogging a Stuffy Nose is Possible With a Simple Massage That Anybody Can Do at Home – Dr. Alan Mandell Reveals a Powerful Method

Unclogging a Stuffy Nose is Possible With a Simple Massage That Anybody Can Do at Home – Dr. Alan Mandell Reveals a Powerful Method

A lot of people deal with the extremely uncomfortable sensation of having a stuffy nose. This is especially frustrating during those nights when you want to get a good sleep, but you just can’t breathe normally. Breathing through only one of the nostrils or just through the mouth is certainly not recommended.

Guess what? Even if your nose is clogged most of the time, there is a simple way to fix it without having to go to the doctor or even take any pills. Sinus congestion is a widespread respiratory problem that affects millions of people, and they can even experience pain in the facial area due to colds, flu, bacteria, and so on.

Dr. Alan Mendell shares a very powerful method to clear the sinuses and thus unclog a stuffy nose. It takes just a few minutes, and it’s not even necessary for you to have medical knowledge. All you need to do is apply a simple massage on your sinuses, just as the doctor explains:

Step 1: put your two index fingers on the upper part of your nose

The method starts by applying both of your index fingers on the upper part of your nose, push firmly, and massage downwards until you reach the outside bottom part of the nose. Repeat the process nine times as you keep applying the pressure.

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Step 2: With your thumbs, touch the outside bottom part of the nose

Take your two thumbs and apply them on the outside bottom part of your nose, as you will feel the facial maxillary bone. You’ll have to come under that bone, and you will have to push out. Do a total of 10 sets for this part of the message, and you’re good to head over to the next step!

Step 3: Open the sinus to achieve the quick drainage

The third step consists of opening the sinus in order to achieve fast drainage. There’s no use in being intimidated, as it’s a lot easier than it sounds! All you have to do for this step is to put the fingers on the outside of your head, as you put your thumbs underneath the same bone and the center. You will have to push up with the thumbs and pull apart. Hold it for 10 seconds, and repeat the step one more time.

Step 4: Use the second and third fingers of both hands

Take the second and third fingers from both your hands, and tap very fast right above your eyebrows, on your forehead, for 10 seconds. This step will stimulate the frontal sinus to help drain the maxillary sinus.

Step 5: Push under your nasal area with your thumb

Take your thumb from any of your hands, place it below your nasal area, and push it up and hard. You’ll have to neglect the fact that it hurts a bit and hold it for 10 seconds.

As soon as you follow the exact steps, the results will come very fast, in a matter of minutes. Tingling, drainage, and opening of the nasal passages will be noticeable.

Dr. Alan Mandell is well-known for constantly sharing great medical advice and practical ways to deal with some unpleasant conditions straight from the comfort of your own home. For instance, you can also check out how he presents a way to get the earwax out of the ears without having to go to the doctor or even using those uncomfortable q-tips.

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