Doctor Explains How to Drain Your Ears and Eustachian Tubes

Doctor Explains How to Drain Your Ears and Eustachian Tubes

Dr. Justin Lin from the Rehab and Revive physical therapy is eager to explain to us all what we need to do in order to clear our eustachian tubes, get the fluid draining out of our sinus, and take away the sinus pressure.

Such acts are very important for our health. Apart from the sensation of comfort and well-being, we can have much better hearing, prevent infections, normalize the pressure, and even get better sleep. Our ears and even faces could experience discomfort and pain if the eustachian tubes are blocked or if there is fluid buildup in our sinuses.

Sinus congestion and discomfort in the ears can even disrupt our sleep, which will lead to fatigue and reduced overall well-being.

What are the eustachian tubes

The eustachian tubes are also known as auditory tubes or pharyngotympanic tubes, and they refer to a pair of narrow tubes that connect the back of the throat to the middle ear. Each and every one of us has one eustachian tube, and these structures play a few important roles when it comes to hearing and maintaining the health of our ears.

The main functions of the eustachian tubes have to do with drainage, ventilation, pressure equalization, and protection.

Moving on to what Dr. Justin Lin explains, he proposes a few simple ways to relieve the pressure and clear those eustachian tubes.

Take deep breaths of air

To promote the draining, taking deep breaths of air is one good idea, as Doctor Justin Lin explains. In this way, you can feel any ‘stuff’ that wants to be pulled out. Simply moving your eyes is also a good idea since your sinuses and eyes are closely connected. The doctor explains that the eyes are actually the front of the sinus.

As a third measure, we can consider simply opening and closing our jaws.

Pulling our ears and finding the best pressure is another good idea. Therefore, we need to grab each ear with our thumb and index finger and simply pull. Maneuvering the ears around by pulling them will allow you to find the tightest tension. As soon as you find it, you need to breathe deeply, while yawning can also help.

YouTube video

Dr. Justin Lin’s exercise can help you get the fluid moving, as well as the mucus. He recommends breathing through the nose, swallowing, and then releasing the air through the mouth as you hold your ears. The next phase should be to find the next point of tension in your years, which means to maneuver them as you pull the same way described previously. You can further inhale through your mouth once again.

Another good method is to open and close your mouth as you hold your ears, or move your eyes from up and down, and so on.

The whole process takes only a few minutes, which means that it’s not anything too complicated. After applying what Dr. Justin Lin explains, you should feel more clarity; your hearing might have been improved, but you might also feel a bit of draining for up to an hour. However, the doctor also recommends you to check with your healthcare practitioner to make sure the exercise is safe for you.

Furthermore, you are free to practice the exercise at home and when you’re alone in the bathroom, just in case you might become embarrassed if others are watching.


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