Flavonoids Can Decrease The Risks Of Cancer

Flavonoids Can Decrease The Risks Of Cancer

There is a new study conducted by a team of scientist at Edith Cowan University in Australia that determines the importance of flavonoids in people’s diet. Simply put, flavonoids can decrease the risk of cancer, even for people that smoke or drink heavily.

Flavonoids are a class of plants that can be found in fruits and vegetables, but also in beans, parsley, onions, blueberries, bananas, red wine, buckwheat, Ginkgo biloba, dark chocolate and various kinds of tea, such as black tea, green tea, and oolong tea. The flavonoids are beneficial for human beings’ health and have anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antimicrobial attributes.

The team of researchers gathered health data of 53,000 Danes on a period of 23 years. The findings were that the consumption of flavonoids, around 500 milligrams every day, can be associated with less risk of early death. More importantly, flavonoids had better effects on smokers and drinkers that have an increased risk of chronic diseases.

Flavonoids Can Decrease The Risks Of Cancer

It is worth mentioning that flavonoids do not entirely cure drinkers and smokers and that they are still at risk to get sick and die early. The best approach to living a longer and healthier life is to stop drinking and smoking.

Regardless, you might ask why the flavonoids have a more significant effect on drinkers and smokers. The explanation is that alcohol and cigarettes can boost inflammation and harm blood vessels. Flavonoids act upon the inflammation and blood vessel to improve them.

The consumption of a different variety of flavonoids every day is better. The researchers even gave an example of what a person can eat to have an intake of at least 500 milligrams of flavonoids: one cup of tea, one apple, one orange, 100 grams of blueberries and 100 grams of broccoli. Of course, different foods can be consumed to reach the minimum of flavonoids.

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