The CDC is Investigating Many Unexplainable Cases of Hepatitis in Children

The CDC is Investigating Many Unexplainable Cases of Hepatitis in Children

Many children from the US deal with a mysterious and severe form of hepatitis. Kids across many American states and territories were found suffering from the unexplainable disease. As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is looking for answers along with state health departments, and there are over 100 cases to investigate, according to CNN.

More than 90% of the total of 109 children suffering from the unexplainable form of hepatitis had to be hospitalized. Unfortunately, five of the children passed away.

The CDC is investigating cases from 25 American states and territories

The cases of severe hepatitis in children that are under investigation are from the following states and territories of the USA: Tennessee, Texas, Alabama, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, Washington, California, Colorado,  Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Delaware, Florida, Arizona Georgia, Idaho, North Carolina, and Wisconsin.

The CDC said a few days ago, “we believe adenovirus may be the cause for these reported cases, but other potential environmental and situational factors are still being investigated.”

Dr. Jay Butler, who is the deputy director of infectious diseases at the CDC, said the following as CNN quotes:

We really are casting a broad net and keeping an open mind in terms of whether the adenovirus data may reflect an innocent bystander or whether there may be cofactors that are making the adenovirus infections manifest in a way that’s not been commonly seen before.

Hepatitis occurs when there is inflammation of the liver. Pathogens, alcohol consumption, and getting exposed to toxins are three of the factors that could lead to such a problem.

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