Risks Of Heart Disease May Be Increased by Migraines

Risks Of Heart Disease May Be Increased by Migraines

Migraines are defined as intense headaches, that last from 4 to 72 hours and are recurrent. Cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks, cerebral attacks, blood clots, or irregular pulse, are all closely related to migraines, studies show.

What are the migraines?

The migraines are chronic, moderate-severe, and recurrent headaches. Some people have 1 or 2 episodes of migraines per year, while other affected individuals have migraines several times a month, maybe even daily. Often, migraines are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensibility to light and noise.

Migraines linked to increased risks of heart disease in women

According to some studies conducted over time, migraines have been associated with an increased risk of heart attack and possible stroke.

In 2016, a study published in the medical journal BMJ concluded that, compared to women who don’t suffer from migraines, those with this condition were 40% more likely to suffer a stroke, heart attack, angina, and even open heart surgery. The study was conducted on more than 110,000 women who were observed over a period of 20 years. Researchers noticed that in these 20 years, the women who suffered from migraines developed cardiovascular conditions. Scientists concluded that the risk of cardiovascular conditions is increased by 40% in women who suffer from migraines.

A new study shows the risks are equal in both men and women

Researchers from the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark and the University of Stanford, the USA, conducted a study that involved 51,000 men and women suffering from migraines and 510,000 healthy men and women. The scientists gathered the data over a period of 20 years and concluded that the men and women suffering from migraines are more prone to develop heart conditions in comparison with healthy participants.

However, the study is an observational one, so the conclusions can’t be accurate as many other factors could’ve influenced heart conditions occurrence in the observed subjects.

In conclusion, migraines should be considered a risk for heart conditions but how to reduce the risks is not yet completely known as the specific anti-migraine drugs might themselves increase the risk of developing heart conditions.

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