Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for the Covid-19 Infection Become More Popular Across the U.S Thanks to Their Efficiency 

Monoclonal Antibody Treatments for the Covid-19 Infection Become More Popular Across the U.S Thanks to Their Efficiency 

As the U.S medical system is overwhelmed with the surge in daily infections with the new coronavirus, more and more states started using the monoclonal antibody treatment. On August 4, Texas announced that the state needs nine additional mobile infusion centers to administer the monoclonal antibody treatment. The mobile centers would move across the state to help different areas and avoid hospitalizations. According to the Regeneron Company, the treatment reduces the risk of infection if administered as a protection measure. The cocktail is also beneficial after testing positive because it helps the immune system fight off the virus by blocking it from entering human cells

Who can benefit from the treatment? 

Only doctors can decide if someone needs the treatment, and the Governor of Texas and many other people have benefited from it. In North Carolina, there has been an 18-fold increase in the use of the monoclonal antibody treatment in less than two months. At the end of June, there were around 100 administrations in the state, while now there are more than 1,874. Those who want to benefit from the treatment can find online over 130 sites in North Carolina. 

Source: Pixabay
Source: Pixabay

What are the costs?

The federal government does not charge for the therapy. However, health providers can charge an administration fee. To check if your insurance company covers the costs, you should call or search on the company’s policy. The FDA has issued emergency authorization for monoclonal antibody therapy. Even those with no symptoms who were in contact with someone who tested positive can benefit from it. As an additional measure to prevent further hospitalizations, the FDA has also approved booster shots for immunocompromised people

The U.S is not the only country using monoclonal antibody therapy. Other countries, such as the U.K, have also approved it.

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