Sydney Researchers Vs. Elon Musk’s Neuralink – The Battle Of Brain Chips

Sydney Researchers Vs. Elon Musk’s Neuralink – The Battle Of Brain Chips

As I’ve reported a while ago, Elon Musk has already made sure to implant his Neuralink chip in the first human trial ever. Now, it looks like he’s not exactly the first one to be working on such advanced tech.

Elon Musk’s Neuralink vs. Sydney researchers

Not too long ago, Elon Musk’s Neuralink project has taken a significant leap forward as the tech billionaire announced that the startup has successfully implanted a brain chip into a human subject for the first time.

Although Musk has not disclosed much detail, he did mention that the recipient is “recovering well”. The announcement was made on X (previously known as Twitter).

“Initial results show promising neuron spike detection,” Musk wrote on the social media platform that he purchased in 2022.

Check out the following post Musk shared on his social media:

Spikes, in this context, refer to peaks of electrical activity that are generated by neurons. Check out my previous article in order to learn more details about this.

According to an article in The Guardian, Dr Steve Kassem, who is a senior research fellow at Neuroscience Research Australia, suggests that we should be cautious about the news surrounding Neuralink. He advises that we should take “tonnes of grains of salt” since this is not the first company to use a neural implant. In fact, Australia is a “hotspot” for neurological research.

“We were successful [demonstrating] that a solder can use their brain to issue a command to assign the dog to reach a destination totally hands-free … so they can use their hands for other purposes,” Prof Lin, the director of the UTS Computational Intelligence and BCI Centre, says.

The soldier utilizes assisted reality glasses that come with a unique graphene interface to issue commands to control the robotic dog by sending brain signals to direct it to different locations. Lin, the inventor, has stated that they are currently working on making the technology multi-user, faster and also able to control other vehicles like drones.

Neurode, a company based in Sydney, has produced a headset to aid individuals with ADHD. The headset monitors brain activity and sends electronic pulses to address changes. Meanwhile, a team from UTS is developing the DreamMachine.

This device aims to reconstruct dreams from brain signals by using artificial intelligence and electroencephalogram data to generate images from the subconscious.

Check out the article shared by The Guardian in order to learn more details about this interesting matter.

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