This Thumb Test Could Detect If You Are Likely To Suffer an Aortic Aneurysm

This Thumb Test Could Detect If You Are Likely To Suffer an Aortic Aneurysm

An aortic Aneurysm happens when a person has a bulge in the aorta, and the layers of the artery walls split due to the force of the blood pumping, as the CDC explains. It is also mentioned that if the artery is not split due to the force of the blood pumping, it could burst/explode.

This causes internal bleeding, and it is, most of the time, fatal. The CDC’s statistics mention that in 2019, over 59% of the fatalities due to aortic Aneurysms happened in men and that around 9,904 people died that year fur to aortic dissections or aortic aneurysms. There are several types of Aortic Aneurysms, and there are some risk factors we should be aware of: high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, inherited health conditions, smoking, lifestyle, etc.

A study determined that the thumb palm test is effective in detecting how likely a person is to suffer an aortic aneurysm. Sources mention the thumb palm test consists of holding up one hand and keeping it flat, and then you have to try to stretch your thumb across your palm, as much as possible, towards the little finger.

If you manage to stretch the thumb past the edge of your hand, you could have connective tissue problems. People who are able to stretch the thumb past the edge of their hands should seek medical advice because they could have an aortic aneurysm. Several online videos explain how to conduct this test on your own.

The researchers behind the study concluded:


That is to say, a positive test implies a substantial likelihood of harboring an ascending aortic aneurysm. A negative test does not exclude an aneurysm. In other words, the majority of aneurysm patients do not manifest a positive thumb-palm sign, but patients who do have a positive sign have a very high likelihood of harboring an ascending aneurysm. We suggest that the thumb-palm test be part of the standard physical examination, especially in patients with suspicion of ascending aortic Aneurysm (e.g. those with a positive family history).

In conclusion, this test takes just a few seconds, and it can easily be done at home. At the same time, regular check-ups with health providers and a healthy lifestyle are two important factors that can prevent many health issues.

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