Just In: COVID Vaccines Could Trigger Vasculitis

Just In: COVID Vaccines Could Trigger Vasculitis

Another day, another terrifying report about the covid vaccines. Check out the latest news about these below.

More disturbing news about the covid vaccines

It has been reported that COVID-19 vaccines may be associated with various diseases. A recent case study has shown that vaccination for COVID-19 can trigger the development of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis.

This can cause damage to small blood vessels, potentially affecting any part of the body, with the most common areas being the lungs, kidneys, joints, ears, nose, and nerves.

Among 29 patients, five underwent plasmapheresis treatment, which involves the separation and replacement of plasma from blood, and five relied on dialysis therapy.

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that plays a vital role in fighting infections and aiding in the healing process of injuries. ANCA, on the other hand, are harmful autoantibodies that attach themselves to neutrophils present in the blood and release toxic substances, damaging the walls of small blood vessels.

This can lead to the migration of neutrophils through blood vessel walls, causing inflammation in the surrounding tissues.

Moreover, it releases signaling factors that attract even more neutrophils, perpetuating inflammation and further damaging small blood vessels.

An 82-year-old woman with high blood pressure received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in May and June 2021, followed by a Moderna booster shot in early February 2022.

After receiving her third booster COVID-19 vaccine, she developed myeloperoxidase anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (MPO-ANCA)-associated vasculitis, which is one of the primary autoantibodies in ANCA-associated vasculitis. The case report was published in Case Reports in Nephrology in April 2023.

The day after the booster shot, she experienced a headache, which subsided after three days. However, starting in early March, her body temperature began to rise, accompanied by general malaise.

Tests reveal inflammatory reaction

After a thorough examination, no bacterial infection was detected, but the blood tests revealed an inflammatory reaction.

The level of C-reactive protein was elevated, and the white blood cell count was 13,000/microliters, which is higher than the normal range of 4,000 to 10,000/microliters.

This indicates a possible bacterial infection. The doctor prescribed a seven-day course of antibiotics, but unfortunately, there was no improvement.

The patient was admitted to the hospital at a later stage. Despite the absence of fever and normal kidney size and structure, microscopic analysis revealed the presence of hematuria (blood in the urine) and urinary protein.

Moreover, the MPO-ANCA level was significantly high. A kidney biopsy was performed which revealed the presence of cellular crescents in six glomeruli (the tiny filters inside the kidneys) and mild inflammation.

Immunofluorescence testing confirmed that the patient is suffering from pauci-immune glomerulonephritis, which is a rare type of small vessel vasculitis.

This condition is characterized by rapidly progressive inflammation of the glomeruli, resulting in kidney problems such as urinary abnormalities (hematuria and proteinuria) and high blood pressure, which can lead to kidney failure within days or weeks. After examining the patient’s pathology, the doctors diagnosed them with renal-limited MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis.

We suggest that you check out the complete test report in order to learn all the available details.

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