Fight Malignant Melanoma With Natural Substances

Fight Malignant Melanoma With Natural Substances

It has been revealed the fact that, fortunately, malignant melanoma can be fought with natural substances. Check out the latest reports about this below.

Malignant melanoma cures

Cutaneous malignant melanoma is one of the deadliest types of cancer, responsible for 75% of cancer-related deaths worldwide, with its incidence increasing rapidly.

In North America, it has become the most common cancer in the age group of 25 to 29. Early detection is crucial, and surgical removal of the primary site is the standard of care.

However, metastatic melanoma is challenging to treat because the cancer cells break away from the primary tumor and spread to other organs. This type of melanoma is known to be resistant to traditional treatments such as radiation, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Recurrence is a possibility even after surgical removal, and the success of biomedical treatments is limited.

Dacarbazine, a DNA alkylating chemotherapeutic agent, is commonly used but has a response rate of only 10% to 26%, with most responses being partial and accompanied by side effects like anemia, nausea, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia.

More selective therapies, such as BRAF inhibitors, are used for advanced melanoma patients who have a genetic BRAF V600 mutation. However, these therapies are associated with widespread resistance and the development of other cancers, such as keratoacanthoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

The five-year survival rate for metastatic melanoma is less than 25 percent, which is quite low (6). However, there are natural substances supported by scientific evidence that have anti-melanoma effects.

These substances can be used as an additional method along with other strategies to improve the chances of successful treatment.


Dandelion, also known as Taraxacum officinale, is typically viewed as a bothersome garden weed in modern times. However, it has been a significant part of traditional Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Native American folk medicine for a long time.

It has been used by these traditional medical systems to treat various ailments such as digestive, kidney, liver, and spleen disorders, as well as tumors of the lung, breast, and uterus.

Dandelion is regarded in holistic medicine as a detoxifying agent with additional benefits such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-angiogenic (prevents the growth of blood vessels that supply tumors with nutrients), anti-nociceptive (reduces the sensation of pain), and anti-cancer properties.

Several studies have shown that dandelion can help transform mouse melanoma cells from a cancerous, rapidly multiplying state to a more normal, healthy cell cycle.


Another helpful remedy is coffee. In rodent studies, caffeine has been shown to provide a sunscreen-like effect that helps inhibit UV-induced sunburn lesions, a strong risk factor for melanoma.

Caffeine can also suppress the growth of melanoma cells and promote apoptosis or cell suicide, which can help clear out precancerous cells.

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